Galatians 5:24-26

                                                                     Galatians 5:24-26

And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

It is helpful to understand the identity as well as the activity of true believers.  Every believer belongs to Christ.  Belonging to Christ implies that many things are true about our lives.  Certainly, the most impactful of those truths is that the Spirit of God lives in us.  This chapter concludes with Paul three implications of belonging to Christ and being indwelt by the Spirit.


BELIEVERS HAVE CURCIFIED THE FLESH: Paul does not say that some who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh; he indicates that all have done so.  The flesh is marked by passions and desires, but these too have been crucified by virtue of our belonging to Christ.  Experience tells us that our flesh, with its sinful desires, is not immediately irradicated the moment we trust Christ.  It seems Paul is speaking here of positional truth in the sense that there is no doubt as to the destiny of our flesh and sinful desires: they have already been crucified with Christ.  In eternity we will experience this glorious reality in its fulness.  However, at this very moment every believer has the power by God’s Spirit to be victorious over our crucified flesh. 


BELIEVERS WALK CLOSELY TO THE SPIRIT: Since the Spirit of God grants us new life when we trust Christ, we are called to “keep in step with the Spirit.”  God’s Spirit is actively leading every believer through the trials and temptations of this world.  The path of which the Spirit seeks to lead us always leads to the glory of the Father and our eternal good.  Unfortunately, many times we fail to follow His leading.  This failure to follow in His steps can be seen in both our actions and our attitudes.  Our greatest priority should be to discern the leading of God’s Spirit in every aspect of our lives.


BELIVERS AVOID COMBAT WITH OTHERS: The path on which the Spirit leads us is clearly marked by humility and love for one another.  Pride, provocation, and jealousy are never the work of the Spirit in our lives.  Since it is Christ in us through the Spirit that truly accomplishes any good thing we might do, there is no room for gloating over anything He does.  The Spirit promotes love and unity within the body of Christ.  Believers that are led by the Spirit will help and encourage one another and rejoice together over any victories the Spirit produces in our lives.  There is no room in the body of Christ for competition and comparison.


APPLICATION: Be confident in our ability to have victory over sin and have great hope in the promise that, one day, that victory will be complete.  Be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading in our lives and submissive to whatever He directs us to do.  Humbly encourage and rejoice together with all believers in this new life in Christ.


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