1 Timothy 1:3-7

As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith.  The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.  Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions.


There will always be false teachers that come into the church attempting to distract people from the truth and destroy people’s faith.  When this happens, it is the job of spiritually mature leaders to confront these false teachers and correct their teachings.  However, it is important that this correction be accomplished with the right motives and methods.  This is what Paul left Timothy in Ephesus to accomplish.


REFUTE FALSE DOCTRINE: Sound doctrine is fundamental to the well-being of any church.  This is the reason that there is so much false doctrine being propagated in the church.  Satan is seeking to weaken the church and keep it from accomplishing its mission for the Lord.  Any different doctrine from the one established by the Apostles and revealed in Scripture must be exposed and rejected.  There are times when a person who is tasked with preaching the Word will begin to speculate, emphasize mystical teachings, or try to impress others with obscure connections through their own genealogies.  The purpose of preaching is not to impress others but to inform them of the truth.  The authority for preaching does not come from our ancestry but from Scripture.  


REPRESENT TRUE GODLINESS: The true marks of a godly preacher are love, purity, honesty, and faith. Even when it is required to correct others, love is the motive and method behind all we do.  There is no place for hatred or pride in the body of Christ.  God calls us to love all people.  There are times where correction is the sincerest form of love.  This love is to come from a pure heart that is not seeking to promote self by being critical of others. A clear conscience is fundamental to the process of lovingly correcting others.  Our confidence is in the Lord and His ability to use us and work to transform the hearts and lives of men.  Faith in the Lord is an essential part of every ministry that seeks to love people into the truth.  


REMOVE IGNORANT TEACHERS: Unfortunately, there are people who love themselves more than others, have impure hearts, corrupted consciences and do not trust the Lord.  These teachers are not practicing the Scriptures but want to teach.  This kind of teaching is harmful and self-promoting.  The Word of God will always point to the Lord Jesus and the glory of God and not to the person who is speaking.  The church must be protected from these kinds of teachers who are ignorant of the truth.


APPLICATION: Reject and expose false doctrines whenever they appear in the church.  Be sure that the ministry is always motivated out of love with pure motives and faith in Christ.  Don’t allow those who don’t follow the teachings of Scripture to teach it.


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