1 Timothy 2:11-15

Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.  I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.  For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.  Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

There is certainly controversy and confusion about this passage in many churches today.  The idea of a distinction between men and women and their roles in the family and church certainly goes against the flow of many cultures around the world.  Some would argue that the literal and plain teaching of this passage is no longer applicable to today’s culture.  However, it is always dangerous to discard biblical teaching or try to interpret Scripture based on the cultures in which we live.  Certainly, the Spirit who inspired this text was aware of the many changes that would occur in future cultures.  Yet, He inspired Paul to write this text and I believe it is wiser and more biblical to conform our cultures to the Scripture than it is to reinterpret texts according to culture.  With that in mind, I believe these three principles to be important instruction for women in the context of the public worship service.

LEARNING IN SILENCE: Paul’s admonition for women to learn in silence is generally seen in today’s culture as being male chauvinistic.  In Paul’s culture, the fact that he called for women to learn at all was likely seen as being very feministic.  In Paul’s day women were not allowed to study formally which is likely what was behind the learning in silence admonition here as well as in 1 Corinthians 14.  This passage cannot be a prohibition of women to speak at all in the public worship service since Paul as just given instructions on how women are to dress when they pray in the service.  It seems far more likely that Paul’s instruction was based on a desire for orderliness in the service.  Since women were not accustomed to being allowed to learn in a group setting, it seems that they would ask questions during the service that would be distracting to the speaker as well as those around them.  Women seem to have the amazing ability to talk and listen at the same time.  Most men struggle with this.  

LISTENING IN SUBMISSION: I do believe that women were allowed to participate in many ways during the public worship service including prayer, testimonies, worship, and thanksgiving.  However, the passage makes it clear that women were not to be the teachers or leaders of the congregation.  God ordained that men exercise authority and leadership in the church and should be the only ones allowed to preach authoritatively in the service.  The reason for this is not based on cultural principles but on creation order and Eve’s having been deceived in the Fall of man.  Those who prefer to interpret this passage as a cultural issue open themselves up to interpreting many other commands in Scripture according to the whims of the culture in which they happen to be applying the passage.  This, I believe, is a dangerous and unwise practice.

LIVING IN SELF-CONTROL: Paul’s admonition is for women to live lives of faith, love, and holiness in self-control.  These character qualities are obviously desirable and applicable to men as well, but Paul mentions them specifically here in the context of bearing children.  Pain in bearing children was one of the curses placed on Eve at the Fall.  Every woman who has given birth can attest to the pain associated with labor and giving birth.  I remember being overwhelmed with admiration for my wife as I watched her suffer while giving birth to our children.  That pain demonstrates and reminds us of the fallen state of all mankind.  Despite this and many other devastating effects of sin on the human race; faith, love, holiness and self-control are attainable because of the glorious truth of the Gospel that is preached, and women would do well to learn.  Salvation through faith in Christ undoes all the curse of sin and death.

APPLICATION: It is important to focus during the public proclamation of God’s Word.  Since women can be multi-taskers more easily, avoid the temptation to make comments or ask questions of those around you like your husband as it will cause him to lose concentration.  Women should not be ordained into pastoral ministry or exercise authority over men by teaching in the public service.  Rejoice in the salvation afforded to us despite all the devastating effects of the Fall.


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