1 Timothy 2:8-10

I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.  

It is important to remember that the general subject of this passage is prayer.  Paul has given clear instructions about that things we need to take before the Lord in prayer.  Praying for our authorities, the salvation of others, and ministers of the Gospel is something that should be true of both our private and public prayers.  This passage turns to the subject of the prerequisites Paul places on those who will exercise the ministry of public prayer.

PUBLIC PRAYER FOR MEN: Prayer in general and public prayer should be marked by a reverence and recognition that we are talking to God.  Preparation should be made for prayer in our relationship with both God and others.  Lifting holy hands to the Lord seems to indicate that our actions are in line with the Word of God.  None of us are holy apart from the work of Christ whereby we are forgiven of our sin and have the righteousness of Christ imputed on our behalf.  However, because of Christ’s holiness we can walk in a newness of life empowered by the Spirit whereby we obey the Lord and honor His Word.  A life of holiness will always be marked by love for others.  Anger and quarreling are not proper attitudes to bring before the Lord. We must resolve our problems with one another to the best of our ability and check our hearts for bitterness and anger over circumstances and relationships that may not yet be resolved to our liking.  Prayer is not the place to go to criticize and complain to God about one another.

PUBLIC PRAYER FOR WOMEN: In the same way, women who are given the opportunity to pray in public must be holy and loving.  Additionally, Paul emphasizes the need for modesty and discretion in their dress and use of jewelry.  Times of prayer in the worship service of the church should not become fashion shows.  Prayer is to direct our attention to the Lord and not to call attention to ourselves.  Designer or immodest clothing or accessories that draw attention to self, should never be used to distract people from their attention to the Lord. 

APPLICATION: Examine our hearts and lives in prayer to make sure that we are walking in obedience to the Word of God and demonstrating love and forgiveness to the people around us.  Never use a public worship service as an opportunity to draw attention to ourselves. 


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