1 Timothy 3:14-16

I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.  Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness:  Hwas manifested in the flesh, vindicateby the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.

The church is the institution created by God for the advancement of His mission in the world.  We all belong to the Church as the Body of Christ that is basically invisible.  However, we are called to be part of local churches that gather as visible bodies of believers in Christ.  Each church is unique and has a role to play in the outworking of God’s will.  However, there are certain truths that are essential to every church.  Paul writes to make sure that these truths are known and followed.  

PROCEDURE IN CHURCH: The instructions given in this and the previous chapter about ordering the life of the church are important.  The instructions about public prayers, male leadership, and the qualifications required for the leaders in the church are all aimed at establishing a standard that all biblical churches are expected to follow.  Different churches will have different types of ministries and there is great liberty for this within the body.  However, there are requirements that are expected in all churches.

PURPOSE OF CHURCH: The purpose of the church is to bring glory to the living God.  He is the reason the church exists.  However, the church has a vital role in making sure that the truth of God’s Word is known and defended.  Today’s culture promotes an idea that truth is relative and can be determined by each individual.  In reality, there is a standard of truth determined by the God of truth and revealed to us in Scripture.  The church is called to proclaim that truth and stand in defense of it.

PERSON FOR CHURCH: The most important truth in all of Scripture is the revelation of God.  Who God is and how He has revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ is the principle truth that all must understand.  He is the Person that the church even exists.  Jesus became a man.  He was demonstrated to be God by the power of the Holy Spirit.  His identity was confirmed by both men and angels.  He is the message the church proclaims in the nations.  Faith in Him is the only means of Salvation.  He is currently with the Father in glory awaiting His promised return and the establishment of the kingdom.  His name is to be lifted up and pointed to in the church.

APPLICATION:  We must be sure that our churches are following the biblical principles of leadership presented in this book.  Proclaim and defend the truth to a culture that has rejected the standard of truth. Honor and glorify the Lord Jesus and make His name known to all nations.


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