1 Timothy 6:1-2

Let all who are under a yoke as bondservants regard their own masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be reviled.  Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brothers; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their good service are believers and beloved.

Our work is important to God and how we work is important as well.  Even if our work conditions are as difficulty as enslavement, as believers, we have an opportunity to bring glory to God and growth to the kingdom.  Whether we work for believers or unbelievers, God is our true employer.  We work to please Him, and our true and eternal compensation will come from Him.  No matter the injustice we might experience on earth; God is just and will reward justly.

WORK FOR UNBELIVERS WITH HONOR: When a believer is working for an unbeliever, it is important to maintain a good testimony of obedience and honor.  When believers fail to act like believers should, the name of God is reviled, and the cause of Christ is hindered.  Unbelievers will act like unbelievers.  They may not treat their employees the way they should be treated, and they may not do the right thing.  It is important to remember that when an unbeliever sins it is not an excuse for the believer to sin.  The advancement of the Gospel and being able to witness of God’s grace to our unbelieving employer or fellow employees is for more important than our “rights” or our pride.

WORK FOR BELIEVERS WITH LOVE: Paul is not addressing the issue of a believer owning a slave in this passage.  It is important that we not judge the ancient world according to the culture of the day.  The reality of slavery was an integral part of the society.  Paul is not defending slavery in this passage nor is he seeking to overthrow it.  Instead, he is striving to teach believers how to respond in a godly manner within this reality.  If a Christian is working for another Christian, he should do so with gratitude and to the best of his ability.  He should understand that the results of his labors will benefit a brother in Christ and ultimately the mission of God in the world.  We should not try to take advantage of our relationship in the Gospel as a means of getting away with laziness or expect special treatment.  We should strive to be the best employee we can be for the glory of the Lord.

APPLICATION: Maintain a strong witness for Christ in the places of work the Lord provides for us.  Work hard and as unto the Lord no matter who we work for.


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