1 Timothy 4:11-16

Command and teach these things.  Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.  Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.  Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you.  Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.  Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Teaching the Word of God to the people of God is key component to effective ministry.  It is a privilege to be able to devote oneself to studying the Bible and proclaiming what we learn to others.  It is also a huge responsibility and can expose us to being criticized or even rejected.  Ministry is a dangerous vocation because it makes us vulnerable to judgment from God, human authorities, unbelievers, and our brothers and sisters in Christ.  As difficult as public speaking may seem; it is essential to effective ministry.  

AUTHORITATIVE TEACHING: In a world that seems to value relativism as one of its highest virtues, the call for authoritative proclamation of God’s Word is vital.  When we proclaim God’s Word accurately, we can do so authoritatively.  We are not simply making helpful suggestions from which the people of God can pick and choose.  We are to command that they obey and follow the teaching with their whole heart.  However, though the authority of Scripture is unconditional, there are things that can undermine the authority of the preacher.  The age of the preacher can cause people to question his ability to interpret or communicate the text correctly.  Paul tells Timothy that this is an illegitimate excuse that should not be allowed.  However, the example of the preacher is fundamental to authoritative preaching.  If the preacher is not practicing the content of his message, or at least clearly striving to practice it, the hearers will not give credence to the authority of the message.  Paul exhorts Timothy to be exemplary in his speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.  What we say must be authenticated by how we live.  We must love God and others and demonstrate that love in tangible ways.  We must trust God for our salvation but also in the daily circumstances of our lives.  We must obey God’s commands especially in the areas of sexual purity.  God’s Word has authority apart from the life of the preacher.  However, the life of the hypocritical preacher will undermine that authority in minds of the hearers.  

ACTIVE TEACHING: Since preaching is authoritative and powerful, it must be a priority in the life of the minister.  We are to be devoted to growing in this area of ministry.  There are three aspects to effective proclamation of God’s Word: reading, exhorting, and teaching.  The public reading of God’s Word allows the congregation to clearly see the correlation between the message and the Scripture.  The clearer that correlation is the more powerful will be the impact of the communication.  Exhorting has two components: encouragement and admonishment.  Preachers should motivate their hearers to obey by showing the benefits of obedience and pointing out ways that the congregation is already obeying the truth.  We must also courageously confront and correct sinfulness but practically and pointedly showing specific areas of application of Scripture.  Teaching involves the explanation of the text as well as training in ways to be obedient to the truth.  The minister of the Gospel must not neglect these responsibilities.  Timidity or a shy personality should not be used as excuses to disobey the call of God in the life of the minister.  The gifts of God are greater than any weakness in the personality of the minister.

AUTHENTIC TEACHING: When message of the minister coincides with the manner of life he leads, the authenticity of the message and messenger become evident.  No minister is perfect, but his efforts to practice his preaching must be clearly seen by those to whom he ministers.  The impact of obedience to God’s Word on the part of the faithful minister will be widespread.  When our lives align with Scripture, God’s saving work in us becomes evident to the world around us.  God uses the godly example of His children to draw others into a relationship with Him.  The impact of obedience is eternal.

APPLICATION: Be courageous to call people into a life of obedience to the Word of God.  Have full confidence in the truth of God’s Word.  Make sure to practice what we preach.  Make the truths of God’s Word clear as well as how they should be lived out in day-to-day life.  Don’t use your personality as an excuse for neglecting God’s gift and calling.


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