1 Timothy 5:1-25

Different groups of people require different types of treatment.  That does not mean that we are to discriminate any group but we are to discern how the Scriptures instruct us as we deal with a variety of different people in a variety of different situations.  Leaders are to pay close attention to those who are following them in every effort to meet the needs of all in a way that is consistent with the teachings of Scripture.
CORRECT OTHERS TACTFULLY: It is inevitable that leaders will have to correct those who are under their care.  This can be very difficult especially when we are called to correct those who are older than we are.  I think that tact is vital in these and all situations in which we find ourselves needing to correct others.  Leaders must have the courage to confront sin in the lives of their followers but they must also have the humility to confront in a tactful manner.  Paul suggests that we speak to those under our leadership as if they were members of our family.  The elderly are to given honor as if they were our parents while the younger people are to be given respect as brothers and sisters.  When confronting sin it is important to speak the right words in the right way so that we can encourage both repentance and restoration in all of our relationships.
CARE FOR WIDOWS FAITHFULY: Women who are left without husbands and do not have children or other family members to care and provide for them, are to be cared for by the church.  This does not mean that every woman who’s husband dies is to automatically depend on the church for her welfare.  The widow’s family has the first responsibility and they should be strongly encouraged to care for their widows.  Paul also encourages widows who are younger to remarry and he also requires that they be faithful in serving within the context of the local church.  Widows face unique challenges in their lives and they also have unique opportunities to serve the body.  Churches who neglect to care faithfully for their widows shirk a very important responsibility and miss a wonderful opportunity.
CONSIDER ELDERS RESPECTFULY: Those who serve the church as elders fulfill unique responsibilities and require unique considerations.  They are to be supported in accordance with the ministry that they perform within the body.  They are not to be accused or condemned by a single witness.  In other words if a situation arises where it is the word of and elder against the word of someone else who is making an accusation against him; we are to take the word of the elder.  However, if the elder is proven to be guilty of sin, he must not only be rebuked in private; he is to be publically rebuked so that the entire body might know that sins within leadership are taken very seriously and that all might be warned to avoid such sin.  Too often, it seems, we are too quick to condemn leaders on the basis of false accusations and gossip.  However, ironically, we also seem to be too willing to cover up the sins of leaders in an effort to “protect” them and their reputation.  Both of these tendencies are unbiblical and harmful to the body.


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