Hebrews 9:1-28

The temple and tabernacle along with the sacrificial system practiced by the priest were beautiful illustrations of what Christ would eventually do.  However, they were not the ultimate plan of God, rather they were copies of God’s plan intended to prepare the hearts of man for what Christ would accomplish in full.  The sacrifice of Christ is superior to the sacrifices of the Old Testament for the following reasons.
THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST WAS SUPERIOR IN PURITY: Christ offered Himself as a pure and holy sacrifice.  The priest offered animals that were chosen for their perfections, but there is no way that the purity of any animal could be compared with the purity of Christ.  The priest who offered the sacrificed animals was also an impure person who had to make sacrifices for both himself and the rest of the congregation.  The sacrifice of Christ was for the forgiveness of the sins of others for He was completely without sin in every way.  God would have us to live in purity following the steps of our Lord and Savior.
THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST WAS SUPERIOR IN PURPOSE: The purpose of the sacrificial system was principally to prefigure the sacrifice of Christ.  They provided for a temporary covering of sin but in no way did they provide for the pardon and forgiveness of sin.  The sacrifice of Christ paid sins price in full and provided a full pardon and forgiveness for all who believe.  Beyond forgiveness of sin, the sacrifice of Christ provided freedom from sin.  It is clear that God’s purpose in the sacrifice of Christ was far superior than His purpose for the sacrificial system of the tabernacle.  We must not become distracted from the person of Christ by the religious rituals that we might seek to invent or follow.  His purpose in internal transformation not simply an external adherence to a standard of mans own making.
THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST WAS SUPERIOR IN PERMANENCE: The high priest entered the holy of holies once every year besides the countless other sacrifices that were made throughout the year.  There was nothing lasting about them.  The sacrifice of Christ was once and for all.  His sacrifice is a permanent one that makes all of the other rituals and sacrifices obsolete.  Christ cannot continue sacrifice Himself and there is no need for such a continual sacrifice to be made.  His death was fully sufficient, so much so that He was raised from the dead and is permanently united with the Father as all who believe in Him will be for all of eternity.  No other sacrifice will ever be needed.  We can rest in the finished work of Christ and need not worry that we need to add something to that which He has already accomplished on our behalf.  


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