Hebrews 10:1-39

Christ is all that we need.  He has accomplished all that is necessary for our salvation and He continues to work in our lives to prepare us for all that God has planned for us in this life and the next.  His work is complete and permanent.  We would be foolish to look to or for something of someone else.
CHRIST IS THE WAY OF FULFULLMENT OF THE LAW: Christ was able to perfectly keep the Law and in so doing He fulfilled the Law.  The Law had been given to show mans need of a Savior.  No man could ever completely keep God’s perfect Law until Christ came and did just that.  But Christ fulfilled the Law in that He provided the sacrifice for sin that the Law required.  He obeyed the Law perfectly but He also gave Himself to meet the just requirements of the Law.  Christ accomplished that which the Law and the priests could never do.  Because of His death we can rest in the hope of eternal life for the Law has been fulfilled in Christ and we can have true, lasting and complete forgiveness in Christ.
CHRIST IS THE WAY OF FAITHFULNEES TO GOD: The author of Hebrews was deeply concerned that his readers might be tempted to turn away from Christ because of the persecution that they were facing and the false teachings that they were hearing.  However, he gives three practical pieces of advice that we can follow if we want to continue in faithfulness to the Lord and protect ourselves from apostasy.  First we must draw near to person of God in faith.  Because of what Christ has done, we have accesses to the presence of God through our faith in Christ.  He has made us pure so that we can come to God in prayer and draw very near to Him.  We must never allow our relationship with God to grow cold.  Second we must dig deep into the promises of God in hope.  Whenever we take our eyes off of the promises of God recorded in His Word and start to look at the difficulties of our circumstances we run the risk of losing hope and straying away from the Lord.  We must study the Word of God so that our souls will be firmly anchored in the promises of God.  Third we must dive in to the people of God with love.  We need to be involved in the lives of one another in order to protect ourselves from our own sinfulness as well as the sinful society in which we live.  We are called to stimulate one another to love God and others as well as to correct and encourage one another.  These are the means by which Christ has provided for us to be faithful to the Lord.
CHRIST IS THE WAY OF FREEDOM FROM JUDGMENT: God is a just and holy God, He cannot ignore the sins of men and He will judge the sins of men with wrath and a burning anger.  There is no other means apart from Christ by which man can be saved from this impending judgment from God.  Those who reject Christ are completely without hope and there is no other sacrifice that is available to man through which he can escape for the coming judgment of God.  However, Christ has provided the way for us to be free from the judgment by simply placing our faith in the sacrifice the He has made on our behalf.  All other sacrifices that man may try to make are futile.  There are only two options: trust Christ and be free from judgment or face the righteous judgment of a holy God.  If we wish to be free from wrath we must trust Christ alone for forgiveness of sin.  


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