Hebrews 1:1-14

There are times when we get confused about the priorities that God has established in and for this world.  We become easily impressed with the things of this world that have been created.  We even get excited and impressed by angels and special men that God has also created.  The author of Hebrews wants to make sure that we don’t become distracted by these wonderful things and people to the point that we lose sight of Christ.
CHRIST IS THE SOURCE OF REVELATION: God has graciously revealed Himself throughout the history of the world.  He revealed himself through the creation of the universe.  The moon, starts, and all of creation proclaims the glory of God.  Besides creation, God has revealed Himself to us through prophets and the authors of Scripture.  As impressive as all of those sources of revelation are, there are two things that are very important to remember.  First of all, all of that revelation came to us through Christ.  Second, the greatest revelation of God is the incarnation of Christ.  Jesus came to earth and He is God in the flesh.  He is God living with us.  He revealed God to man in a way that creation and prophets were never able to do.  We are truly blessed to be alive after this ultimate revelation of God.  But that fact also places an even greater responsibility to know and worship Him.
CHRIST IS SUPERIOR TO THE ANGELS: Angels are impressive beings that were created by God as ministering spirits for His glory as well as to aide men in their service to the Lord as His messengers.  Men can be easily impressed by angels and may even be tempted to worship them, but this is far from God’s intent and holy angels will never accept the worship that belongs exclusively to Christ.  He is far superior to all angels and all other created beings.  The Scriptures clearly and repeatedly reveal that Christ alone is exalted in the heavens.  God has created us and the angles for His glory.  Satan would like nothing more that to distract us from the worship of our Lord to worship ourselves, angles and especially himself.  We must never allow this to happen.  Our worship must be reserved for God alone.


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