Numbers 14:1-45

It is amazing to see the consequences of sin as we look on from the outside of the children of Israel.  It seems so simple for us to see their failures and question how they could be so blind in this situation.  How could they think it would be better to go back to Egypt?  How could they think that it would be better to die in the desert than to die fighting for a better land for their children?  Sin is blinding and it makes us think things that are completely irrational.  We must be warned that we have this same tendency towards spiritual blindness when we are faced with difficult circumstances.

THE REBELLION OF ISRAEL: The children of Israel make a decision to turn from God and Moses and elect a leader to take them back to Egypt.  They are ready to stone Moses and all those who want to follow God’s direction and trust Him.  When rebellion gains momentum it becomes a very dangerous thing.  The mob gains confidence in numbers and it seems like all control will be lost.  We need to be very careful not to become comfortable or confident because we think we have some sort of a majority.  God is always in the majority and it does not matter how many people disagree with Him; they are all wrong.  We must be courageous to stand with God no matter how big or dangerous the mob may appear.

THE REJECTION OF GOD: God steps into the scene and is ready to kill all of the people and just start over with Moses and those who are faithful.  God is always faithful to accomplish His will and when He determines it is necessary He will step in and defend us.  The people were picking up stones but God steps in to protect His men and put a stop to this foolishness.  It is a comfort to know that we serve a God who is willing and able to protect us from the attacks of any aggressor whether they are from outside the camp or inside the camp.

THE REASONING OF MOSES: Moses is quick to stand between God and the people and He intercedes on behalf of his people to God.  His prayer is not based upon the worthiness of the people but upon the glory of God’s name.  He reminds God of His purpose on the earth of being glorified by all of the nations.  Moses warns God that His name will be mocked by the heathen nations if He chooses to destroy the people all at once.  Moses is not interested in being promoted or having his name go down in history as the patriarch of God’s nations; Moses is interested in the glory of God above all.

THE RESTORATION OF GOD: God listens to Moses and decides to allow the people to live but he condemns the unbelieving men to death in the next forty years of wandering in the wilderness.  This is by God’s grace alone and they certainly deserved to die for their rebellion.  It is a wonderful thing for all of us that God is gracious, patient and willing to forgive.  It is amazing that He has chosen to use us as illustrations of His grace in our lives.  He certainly treats us much better than we deserve yet He does not allow us to sin without grave consequences.

THE RESPONSE OF ISRAEL: When the children of Israel realized that they were doomed to die in the desert they finally wake up to the consequences of their sin and try to take it all back and are now willing to go fight.  However, God has made it clear that they have lost that privilege.  Sin has consequences and they will be paying those consequences.  They don’t like the new deal so they try to go back to the old deal only God is not with them.  In doing this they are clearly demonstrating that their hearts have not changed and that they do not really want to follow Him or honor Him.  They truly just want their own way.  We must be very careful to recognize that God is always essential to every aspect of our lives.


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