Numbers 17:1-13

There are times when we just want to resolve things once and for all.  I get the sense in this passage that God is simply tired of having to establish the leadership of Moses and Aaron over the children of Israel. He decides to use a clear sign that will demonstrate to all that Aaron is the one who has been chosen to be the priest over the people.  God is capable of both establishing and defending His leaders.  It is a comfort to know that He is in charge and that we can rest in Him.

GOD PREPARES A TEST: God instructs each head of each tribe to bring a rod with their name written on it and place it before the altar.  God promises to demonstrate in clear way the person He had chosen.  Every man had the same opportunity and must have felt that there was some reason that he deserved to be the priest.  God does this in an effort to demonstrate His approval and appointment of Aaron and thereby squelch some of the rebellion that had been going on in the camp.  It is absolutely vital that leaders have the support of their people and God is taking steps to make sure that Aaron has this support.

GOD PROVES AARON IS LEADER: Of all of the rods only Aaron’s blossomed and gave ripe fruit over night.  God could take this old dead piece of wood and turn it into a productive fruit tree.  God is able to do the same things with people.  None of us really are much more than dead pieces of wood, but God, in His grace, is able to use us in wonderful ways.  Producing fruit is impossible for any man apart from Christ so it is vital that we abide in Him in order to produce fruit for the glory of God.


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