Numbers 21:1-35

Our experiences with God are designed to build hope and trust in our lives.  As the children of Israel journey through the wilderness and the old generation dies off; the new generation needs to have experiences of victory themselves.  The Lord gives them battles that they must fight in order for them to gain confidence in Him and His ability to deliver them from enemies.  It is impossible to serve God effectively if we do not trust God completely.  God fulfills His promises to us and grants us victories by His grace so that we might grow in our faith and live hopeful lives in Him no matter how difficult our circumstances may become.

GOD PROVIDES FREEDOM FROM ARAD: As the children of Israel were traveling through the wilderness they came across the nation of Arad who came and took some of the children of Israel captive.  This brought great sorrow to them and caused them to come before God and plead with the Lord that He would deliver them into their hands.  They promised to completely destroy the nation of Arad if God would deliver them.  God did exactly what they asked.  This victory was an important one for the children of Israel to gain confidence in the face of war because of the presence of God in their midst.  They would soon have many more battles and it was vital for them to learn to depend on the Lord to provide victory in battle.  It is wonderful to know that we have an all powerful God on whom we can depend in any and all circumstances.

GOD PROVIDES HEALING FROM SERPANTS: As often happens in life; a great victory is often followed by a terrible defeat.  The defeat did not come from an enemy from without, but from the enemy within.  The children of Israel started complaining once again about their lack of food and water and they wanted to go back to Egypt.  It is amazing how often we fall into sin right after a great victory.  It seems like in times of victory we easily become proud and self sufficient and forget about the importance of depending on the Lord.  God sends serpents to the camp that end up killing many of the people and so Moses intercedes before God on behalf of the people.  God tells Moses to make a bronze serpent and lift it up on a standard so that if the people would just look at the serpent after being bit they would be healed.  This is a picture of Christ who was lifted up on a cross and all who look upon Him in faith will be healed of their sin.  God is gracious even when we do not deserve it; but He also is faithful to punish sin.

GOD PROVIDES VICTORY OVER AMORITES: As the children of Israel wander they come up against the Amorites and ask for permission to pass through the land peaceably.  The Amorites refuse and come out to fight against the children of Israel.  This was a very grave mistake.  They could have simply let the people pass through but instead they wanted to go to war without cause.  Pride is a very dangerous thing and it caused the Amorites their lives.  Israel destroyed the people and then inhabited their cities.  This too was a preparation on the part of God to help give the children of Israel hope and confidence in Him when they would eventually come back to the Promised Land and face many more battles.  God is always faithful to prepare us for the tasks that He has ahead of us.  He knows what we can handle and is able to protect us and provide for us.  We can trust Him. 


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