Numbers 30:1-18

God wants His people to be honest and faithful; it is of utmost importance to Him that our words be trustworthy and that we keep our promises.  When vows are made, they are to be kept as a testimony to the faithfulness of God.  When we call ourselves the children of God and do not keep our promises, we reflect poorly upon Him and He is greatly displeased with us.  It is far better for us to refrain from making a vow than it is for us to make it and then not keep it.  This passage makes God’s expectations very clear.  I fear for the many who have made vows of faithfulness to their wives and husbands, only to flippantly break those vows through divorce.  This is not God’s intention for His people.

MEN ARE TO COMPLETE THE VOWS THAT THEY MAKE: We are to be people who are bound by our words.  When we say we will do something we must do what we promise to do.  It is a very sad thing when the words of a believer cannot be trusted.  The promises that we make to God as well as the promises that we make to others are obligations that we must fulfill.  When we fail to keep these promises, we not only displease God, but we also invite God’s judgment upon us.  We are responsible before God for the promises we make and the vows we take.  We may make a vow in our ignorance or out of excitement.  No matter what the circumstance of our vow, we are responsible before God to keep it.  If we chose not to do so, we will one day stand before God and give an account for this unfaithfulness.  When we commit our lives to the service of the Lord and then refuse to follow His leading because the path He places before us is more than we anticipated; we are being disobedient and rebellious.  God expects us to fulfill our vows.

WOMEN ARE TO CONFIRM THEIR VOWS THROUGH AUTHORITY: The passage makes it clear that if a woman makes a vow, she is equally bound to keep that vow.  She has the same responsibility as a man does in this aspect unless the woman’s authority in the person of her father or her husband annuls the vow.  If a woman makes a vow that her father or husband prohibits her from fulfilling, she is released from her vow and the responsibility of that woman before God passes to her father or husband.  God recognizes the authority of men and husbands over their daughters and wives.  A woman is to submit to her God given authority as opposed to keeping her promises and rebelling against that authority.  This is a great responsibility for men and they must realize that they will give an account before God for the vows that they decide to cancel.  It is an important responsibility that should never be taken lightly.  In cases where men feel like the women in their lives have acted in an unwise or unbiblical manner; these men are called by God to protect these women by annulling these vows.  Men are to act quickly in this matter and not allow time to pass, for any delay or indecision is determined by God to be approval.


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