1 Samuel 29:1-11

I cannot help but think that David felt extreme relief when Achish, his host king, came to him and told him that the commanders of the Philistines did not want him to go out into battle with them.  David was in a quandary and really had no way of getting out of it without putting his life in danger.  It appears that God moved in the lives of the Philistine commanders to bring this relief to David so that he would not have to face this impossible situation.  God truly is faithful to provide a way of escape for us when we face trails that are beyond our ability to bear. 

THE REJECTION OF DAVID: When the Philistine commanders began to line up for battle, they could not help but notice David, the giant killer, and his men in the crowd.  Obviously many of them had no idea that David had been living in the land with Achish for a long time now.  The leaders of the Philistines find this to be completely unacceptable and require that Achish send David and his men away.  Even though Achish tried to convince them of David’s loyalty, they would have nothing of this situation.  It is a comfort to know that when we are “between a rock and a hard place,” as David was, God is still on the throne and able to deliver us.  David should have never been in this situation to begin with, but God still remains faithful even in the midst of our own failures.

THE REACTION OF DAVID: When David hears the news, he becomes all indignant and argues that he has been nothing but loyal and should be allowed to go out to battle.  I have to believe that on the inside David was jumping for joy and was completely alleviated.  I imagine that he and his men had been discussing what they would do and how in the world they were going to get out of this situation.  God provided a way out and they were able to return to their homes without having to appear disloyal to king Achish and now they had an excuse to leave and be able to claim that it was the fault of the Philistines for not trusting them.  This could not have gone better for David.  It is wonderful to see that they Lord can be very creative in the way that He cares for us and provides relief in the midst of difficult circumstances.


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