2 Samuel 10:1-19

Fear is a very dangerous thing as it can cause us to do some very stupid things.  The Ammonites were at peace with Israel and David had respect for the help that they had been to him while he was in need.  However, when the king died, his son had a great fear of David and that fear caused him to provoke the very war that he hoped to avoid.  Many times our fears become self fulfilling.  The fear of getting sick can make us ill.  We would do well to replace our fears with faith.

THE AMMONITES PROVOKE: David sent a commission of men to mourn the death of the king of the Ammonites who had provided protection and refuge to David when he was running from Saul.  The king listened to his advisers who claimed that these me were spies and ended up provoking the very war that they feared by embarrassing the men and shaving off half of their beards.  David was livid and gathered his men to go to war against them.  David had no intention of going to war with them but this act of aggression, David could not let go.  We must be very careful not to allow our fears to cause us to do stupid things.  We must also be very careful about whom we look to for advice.

THE SYRIANAS PROTECT: When the Ammonites saw that David was gathering his army to attack them; they when to the Syrians and made them fearful of David so that they would come and join forces with them against Israel.  Once again, we see that these fear tactics worked and the Syrians decided to join in the battle.  David had no intention of going after the Syrians but they decided to follow their fears instead and ended up joining forces with the Ammonites against Israel.  This was a big mistake that cost many lives, we must be very careful not to allow our fears to control us.

THE ISRAELITES PREVAIL:  Joab lead the soldiers of Israel forward and when he saw that there were two nations divided against him; he divided his army as well and attacked in both directions.  God was on Israel’s side and both nations fell before the Army of Israel.  None of this was necessary, but ended up coming about because of fear and some very bad advice.  We must be aware of the dangers that are around us; but must not overreact and try to take matters into our own hands.  Our fears should motivate us to trust the Lord and commit our lives into His hands and then move forward with confidence in Him.


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