2 Samuel 5:1-25

Someone once said that good things come to those who wait.  That saying seems to be very true in David’s life.  He waited many years to become king of part of Israel.  Then after Saul’s death he waited another seven years in Hebron until he was finally made king of all of Israel.  God had anointed David as the next king through Samuel, yet it took about two decades for this to actually take place in David’s life.  Waiting is a hard thing for us to do, because we want what we want and when we want it, but that is rarely the plan of God.  If we are going to be faithful to the Lord and be used of Him; we must learn to wait.
DAVID IS RECOGNIZED AS KING OVER ISRAEL: After the death of Ish-bosheth, David is established as the unrivaled king of Israel.  The elders of Israel recognize that David had been their military leader in the past, they trust his judgment and they desire to unite the kingdom once again.  David did not start a civil war in order to accomplish his kingdom; instead he waited for the Lord’s timing to be revealed and come to pass.  Not only is David recognized in Israel, but foreign nations also know and fear him as king so they make efforts to forge alliances with him.  They send wood and specialized labor forces to build a home for David.  Despite God’s provision for David; it seems clear that he has a very large area of spiritual blindness when it comes to his marital status.  He had already had seven wives, but when he is made king over the entire nation he takes more wives and has more children.  David’s lust for women was clearly an area of great sin that caused him great pain and suffering.
DAVID IS VICTORIOUS IN WAR WITH THE PHILISTINES: When the Philistines heard that David was king; they immediately began to assemble in order to go to war against David and Israel.  David does what God wants him to do and goes and inquires of the Lord as to what he should do.  Only after receiving the blessing of God to go to war does David go out and gain victory.  Once again the Philistines come after David and once again David inquires of the Lord and receives, not only the go ahead but clear strategic instructions as to how to win the battle.  David is perhaps the greatest warrior the world has ever seen, yet he is very humble to recognize his dependence upon the Lord.  He does not simply assume that God will bless whatever he decides to do; rather he seeks for the Lord’s direction.  We must be careful not be become confident in our own abilities or experience and just presume that we know the mind of God.  We must truly lean to seek Him and trust Him as we strive to walk with Him.


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