2 Kings 11:1-21

Power is a very scary thing when if falls into the wrong hands.  It is astounding to consider what Athaliah actually does in order to guarantee that she could maintain power in the kingdom of Judah.  It also requires a great level of courage to stand up against such a blood thirsty and power hungry leader.  Thankfully, God has repeatedly risen up such courageous men and women to defend the defenseless and stand up for what is right no matter the danger they face.  Every generation has leaders that try to destroy the work of God on the earth and commit atrocities against humanity.  Thankfully, God always has a faithful and courageous remnant that stands up against tyranny in order to do what is right.  This passage introduces us to three characters that demonstrate who played these parts in Judah.

ATHALIAH THE TREACHEROUS QUEEN: When Athaliah heard that her son was dead she feared losing power and control of the kingdom as she knew that she would not be able to have the same control in the kingdom as she had enjoyed with her godless husband and son.  She was Judah’s equivalent of Jezebel.  Her solution to this problem was to simply go and kill all of her grandchildren.  This is not the typical image that we think of when we picture our grandparents.  When we think of our grandparents we think of being spoiled by cookies and candy that our parents won’t let us have but will not stop their parents from giving us.  Athaliah didn’t spoil her grandchildren; she slaughtered them.  We need to be very careful when we are given a position of power or influence because that power can become intoxicating and can tempt us to do all kinds of atrocities to maintain that power. 

JEHOSHEBA THE COURAGEOUS AUNT: Jehosheba was a daughter of the king Joram who was Athaliah’s husband; more than likely she was not Athaliah’s daughter as Joram probably had more than one wife.  When she saw what Athaliah was doing she mustered the courage to go hide Joash, the king’s infant son, from his murderous grandmother.  Since he was just and infant he was not missed or presumed dead because he could not be found.  Jehosheba put her own life at risk in order to do what she knew to be right.  Tyrants count on the power they wield to sap all that are around them of their courage and paralyze them in fear.  Jehosheba was now such a woman.  She took her nephew and hid him in the house of the Lord with her husband Jehoiada who was the priest.  May the Lord give each of us the courage that is necessary to stand up against the tyrants of our generation even if it costs us our lives.  It is far better to die in courage then to live as a coward.

JEHOIADA THE RIGHTEOUS PRIEST: During seven years Jehoiada and Jehosheba raise Joash as their own son.  They teach him the Law of God and they protect him from the idolatry that is running rampant in the kingdom.  When the time is right Johoiada calls the guards of the kingdom and reveals to them that there is a legitimate heir to the throne and they agree to protect him and overthrow the wicked queen.  The drama in this narrative is fit for the plots of Hollywood.  The day of Joash’s coronation arrives and he is declared king at seven years of age.  When Athaliah finds out what is happening she cries out that this is an act of treason; and she should know very well what treason is all about.  She is killed and her reign of terror comes to its deserved end.  Jehoiada then proceeds to mentor Joash and together to kill the prophets of Baal yet again and do away with this idol worship in Israel.  Jehoiada was not king, but as a minister of God he had great influence on the king and the course of history.  He invested his life in the life of the next leader of Judah.  God continues to look for men and women who are ready and willing to disciple the next generation of leaders.


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