2 Kings 19:1-37

Hope is a wonderful and powerful thing.  When Hezekiah and the city of Jerusalem was surrounded by the Assyrians and the conditions in Judah were so bad that the people were starving, the people and Hezekiah desperately needed hope.  The Assyrians were a proud and barbaric people that were particularly cruel to their enemies.  They caused great fear to spread over the entire region.  Kingdom after kingdom had fallen before the Assyrian army and they became very proud.  They blasphemed the name of the Lord and they believed that they were invincible.  They were wrong.  There is no human power that can stand before the Lord and the power of God no matter how strong they think they are.  It is a great source of hope to know that our God is the one and only all-powerful sovereign of the universe.  No matter what circumstance we face, we can always place our faith in Him and trust in Him.

ISAIAH ASSURES HEZEKIAH WITH HOPE: In the midst of all of the threats from the Assyrians, Hezekiah and the leaders of Israel humble themselves, tear their clothes and seek advice from Isaiah the prophet.  This is the way that we should respond when we do not know what to do.  We must not doubt or accuse God but seek Him out and look to spiritual leaders for counsel.  Isaiah gives Hezekiah hope and promises him that God will take care of Assyria and provide relief from the current circumstances.  The Scriptures are full of promises and assurance that we have hope if we are believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.  No matter what circumstances we might face on this earth, God has promised that He will have the ultimate victory.

ASSYRIA ATTACKS HEZEKIAH WITH HARM: Sennacherib, the king of Assyria continues his verbal attack on Hezekiah and the Lord.  He claims to be invincible and that no god could protect any people from his mighty power.  He promises to destroy Israel and claims that God is deceiving Hezekiah with promises of deliverance.  This is a clear attack on the character of God.  When ungodly men are granted power they become arrogant and consider themselves to be above the Lord.  This is a grave mistake that leads to destruction.  No matter how much power the Lord entrusts to us, we must always remain humble before the Lord.

HEZEKIAH ASKS THE LORD FOR HELP: When Hezekiah receives this blasphemous letter from Sennacherib, he does exactly the right thing.  He takes the letter and lays it out before the Lord and calls on the Lord for deliverance from this attack.  He calls on the Lord to bring this evil king and idolatrous nation that is mocking God to justice. Hezekiah recognizes that all the other nations who were destroyed by the Assyrians were nations that did not know the Lord.  The gods of these nations were not gods at all but simple works of man’s hands.  Hezekiah asks the Lord to defend His own name and show the nations of the world that He is different from the gods of all other nations.  When we pray, we must learn to pray for the name of the Lord to be lifted up and not simply seek our own comfort from the Lord.

THE LORD ANSWERS HEZEKIAH WITH HASTE: God sends a message to Hezekiah through Isaiah that He has heard his prayers and will answer.  God promises to defend his own name and to bring relief to the nation of Israel.  God tells Hezekiah to continue trusting in Him and that He will come to his defense.  One night God sends angels to kill 185,000 Assyrian soldiers and the remaining army returns home in defeat.  Sennacherib is worshiping one of his false gods and his own sons come in and kill him.  What a stark contrast between our God and the idol that Sennacherib was worshiping.  God defends Judah from a vast army but this idol could not protect Sennacherib from his own sons in the very temple of this idol.  We can take great comfort, have great courage and live with great hope because we know and serve the one and only God.  May His holy name be eternally praised and exalted! 


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