2 Kings 9:1-37

The Lord is clearly in charge of establishing the leaders of the world and then replacing them according to His will.  When leaders refuse to honor and obey God with the power that they have been given, God will often replace them.  At times God acts quickly while at other times His judgment seems to be slow in coming.  Whatever the case may be, we can be sure that He is in control and the leaders that we have are the leaders He has chosen for us at this current time.  This should inspire all men to fear the Lord and use any authority that He gives for His glory and to obey His commands.

JEHU IS ANOINTED KING OF ISRAEL BY ELISHA: Elisha sends one of the prophets with whom he serves to go to Jehu and secretly anoint him as the king of Israel.  The current king has been injured in battle and is recovering from his wounds.  God is making a change and establishes Jehu as the next king.  Elisha speaks for the Lord as the Lord spoke to Elisha.  When Jehu’s companions discover what the prophet had come to say; they immediately recognize Jehu as king.  No matter what means men use to select their leaders, it is clear that God is in control of this matter.  He is the ultimate authority in this world.

JEHU ASSASSINATES THE KING OF ISRAEL AND JUDAH: When Jehu is anointed king the first thing he does is to go seek the current king.  The scene described in his approach to the city is fascinating.  The king’s messengers come to ask Jehu if he comes in peace and he make it very clear that he does not and invites the messengers to join him; which all of them do.  Finally both the king of Israel and the king of Judah come out to meet him; both of which were descendants of Ahab and Jezebel.  When they ask Jehu if he comes in peace he simply states that there can be no peace as long as they live and Jehu proceeds to assassinate both kings at the same time.  God has anointed a man of action who acts decisively in doing what he had been called to do.  Conviction and courage are qualities that help leaders be successful.  Jehu seems to be equipped with both.

JEHU ACCOMPLISHES THE WILL OF GOD FOR JEZEBEL: Once the kings are assassinated Jehu set out after Jezebel who is still alive.  When she sees Jehu approach she pleads for her live but Jehu makes it clear that he is executing God’s judgment on her.  The men that are apparently there to protect her ask Jehu how they can escape being judged with her and Jehu simply tells them to throw her down off of the balcony.  Jezebel takes flight and is killed by the fall.  Her body is ravaged by dogs just as God said it would be and the son of Ahab is thrown on the field that Ahab stole just as God said would happen.  It has taken many years for the prophecy of Elijah concerning Ahab, Jezebel and their descendants to come true but they did come true in the perfect timing of God.  Jehu was an instrument of God for accomplishing His will just as God had revealed.  We must all recognize that we are instruments in God’s hands and we should seek to do all that we can to accomplish His will in the world.


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