2 Kings 2:1-25

It is a great honor to serve the Lord.  Elijah was well aware of this fact and Elisha was well aware of this fact.  The time had come for Elijah to go up to heaven and Elisha was to take up the mantel of Elijah and be then next prophet in Israel.  God was about to do something very great and Elisha desperately wanted to be a part of this experience and to have the privilege walking in the same path the Elijah had walked.  There are some who consider the work of the ministry to be a burden or even some sort of curse that is to be avoided.  However, we should all have the same attitude as Elisha and recognize that it is a great blessing and ask that the Lord would give us and our children such an honor.

ELIJAH REVEALS TO ELISHA THAT HE WILL BE TAKEN TO HEAVEN: Most of us have no idea when it is that we might be taken to heaven through death.  God had revealed to Elijah that on this day he would be taken up to heaven but that he would not face death.  Elijah knew that he would be taken up in a whirlwind.  Elisha is aware of this fact and all the prophets in all of the cities to which Elijah and Elisha travel that day know that Elijah will be taken to heaven that day.  Elijah was an extraordinary man who lived an extraordinary life and was about to experience and extraordinary promotion into heaven.  Elijah seems to be testing Elisha to see if he will stick with him and follow him wherever he goes.  Despite being repeatedly told to stay behind; Elisha never leaves Elijah’s side and is determined to be with him to the very end.  Elisha knows the privilege of being involved in the work of the Lord and he does not want to miss out on one minute with this great man and his mentor.

ELISHA REQUESTS TO ELIJAH THAT HE CAN BE HIS SUCCESSOR: When the two prophets reach the Jordan River, Elijah knows that the time is short.  He parts the river with his mantel and then asks Elisha to make a request.  Elisha knows exactly what he wants; he requests a double portion of Elijah’s Spirit.  More than likely Elisha is not requesting that he be given twice the power of Elijah.  Rather, it seems that Elisha is requesting that he be named as Elijah’s successor.  The first-born son would receive a double portion of the inheritance as he would be the successor of the family leader.  Elisha wants to be that man.  He has seen the life that Elijah lived in service to the Lord; and despite the hardships that were involved; he wants to experience that type of walk with the Lord.  This too should be our greatest goal and our prayers for our children; that they might experience the honor of living a life of service before the Lord.

ELISHA RETURNS FROM ELIJAH'S RAPTURE AS THE PROPHET OF GOD: Elijah tells Elisha that his request will be granted if he seems him taken to heaven.  God gives Elisha that honor and Elijah’s mantel falls to Elisha who takes it up and returns to Jericho where the other prophets see that the Spirit who was previously on Elijah now rests upon Elisha.  He is able to part the waters of the Jordan just as Elijah had done.  He then purifies the water source for the city and has been clearly chosen by God to be His representative in the nation of Israel.  As he travels to his next destination there are several boys who come out to make fun of him and show no respect for him as a servant of God.  Elisha calls a curse upon them and the boys are attacked by two bear that kill 42 of these boys.  God is certainly able to defend His servants and we would all do well to give them the honor that their position merits.


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