Job 17:1-16

Job has lost all hope for his life and has simply gone into the depths of despair.  He can see no point in going on because he cannot make sense of the circumstances that he is facing.  In his mind the righteous should experience peace and security while the unrighteous should suffer.  Since he cannot be convicted of unrighteousness he cannot see a way to hope.  He knows that he could repent and be restored if he could see his sin.  But since he cannot repent of unknown sin he cannot find hope for restoration.  This is the problem with a faith that is based upon circumstances.  We must be careful not to over simplify our lives and the circumstances that we may be called upon to face.

JOB HAS LOST HOPE IN HIS FRIENDS: Job had hoped that he could find comfort, counsel and even some financial help from his friends.  Instead he has found constant condemnation and accusation as they have sought to convince him of his own guilt.  His disappointment in their response to him has furthered his sense of hopelessness.  We must be very careful not to place our hope in people.  They are always fallible and will let us down if we count on them to solve our problems.  Our only complete confidence must reside in the Lord independently of the circumstances we face.  Job cannot see God’s friendship in this nor can he see God’s faithfulness.  That is why we trust God by faith in what we know to be true about God instead of in what we feel because of our observation of circumstances.

JOB HAS LOST HOPE FOR HIS FUTURE: Job’s only hope for his future lies in death.  He cannot see any hope for his future on Earth or any way that his life could improve.  Job is projecting his current circumstances to his future state and since his circumstances are dreadful his perspective of the future is hopeless.  God wants us to live by faith which requires us to believe in God’s future promises and then live with hope in the present based on the promises of the future.  Job has forgotten or chosen not to believe the promises of God about the future so his misery becomes unbearable in the present.  For all who have trusted Christ, we have a glorious future!  We must learn to live in light of that hope.


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