Job 29:1-25

Job continues to speak and is now looking back to the past before he had been afflicted.  He remembers the position that he held, the influence that he had and the respect that others showed to him.  Those days are very hard for him to remember right now because they seem so long ago; as if they were a part of a different lifetime.  As he looks back upon the past he can find no reason that would justify his current circumstances.  He had been greatly blessed but now he was greatly oppressed and he cannot figure out why.  So now he looks back and remembers with longing and wishes that he could have what he used to have.

JOB REMEMBERS THE RECOGNITION THAT HE ONCE ENJOYED: There was a time, only a few short period ago, that Job was one of the most recognized men in his community.  He felt as if he was under the special care and protection of God.  His family was secure; he occupied a place of influence and honor within the community.  Both the young and the old recognized His dignity and almost always deferred to his judgments.  Now that he is suffering it seems that all of these privileges are gone.  We all have a tendency to judge the worth of a person based upon the circumstances of their life.  We also have a tendency to remember that past without flaws.  Job longs for the day when he received recognition from men.  We must be careful that we are not motivated by the praise of men but be concerned with the fame of God.

JOB REMEMBERS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF HIS OWN WAYS: Job used his position of influence within the community to help those who were in need and to defend those who needed his assistance.  The poor, the widow and the orphan were all beneficiaries of Job’s kindness and he defended them from those who sought to oppress them.  Job also came down hard on the unrighteous and brought him to justice.  Job thought that his righteous actions and judgments guaranteed him security and longevity in his position.  Now he finds himself the object of accusations that attack his integrity and accuse him of corruption.  Perhaps this questioning of his character hurt him as much or more than the affliction that he suffered physically.  We must learn to remember that our righteousness does not guarantee that we will not suffer.  In fact suffering is to be expected when we live according to the principles of God’s Word.

JOB REMEMBERS THE RESPECT HE RECEIVED FROM OTHERS: Job was used to being respected by all in his community.  His family treated him with great respect because of the abundance of his provision and his character.  He was treated with great respect by the elders of the community because of his prosperity and the wisdom of his words.  When he spoke people wanted to listen because his opinion was respected.  It is a wonderful thing to be respected, but the respect of men can be very fluid and fickle.  Unfortunately, it tends to change according to our wealth and our circumstances.  We must be careful not to live with the fear of men; rather we must learn to fear the Lord and seek to please Him above any praise of men. 


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