Job 26:1-14

God is transcendent.  He is above us and His ways are so much higher and greater than we are able to fully comprehend.  There is so much about God that is unexplainable to us.  His power and might are without limit.  Job demonstrates that he understands the greatness of God, but he is critical of Bildad for not having given help, counsel and strength to him in his time of need.  Both Job and Bildad are making correct statements about God.  However, Job questions how this truth is supposed to be of help to him in his time of misery.  Job demonstrates that he knows about the greatness of God; but still he suffers and has no answers as to why he has been afflicted.  We must learn to be able to apply our knowledge of God to the reality of our lives and use truth to bring comfort to those who are in need.

JOB DENIES BILDAD’S WISDOM: Job does not disagree with Bildad’s statements about the greatness of God or the lowliness of man.  Job’s problem with Bildad’s comments is that they simply did not bring any relief or comfort to Job’s pain.  There is always value in truth, but a wise counselor will always be able to apply truth to the lives of his counselee.    Too often we are filled with knowledge but we fail to apply that knowledge. 

JOB DESCRIBES GOD’S GLORY: Job demonstrates that he too has a profound understanding of the greatness of God.  He is the creator and sustainer of the universe.  Death and hell are completely submissive to Him.  He controls all of nature and the storms of the sea are all at his disposal.  His power and might are beyond our comprehension.  All of this knowledge of God and His ways is true and is a very important perspective to maintain.  However, it must also be applied to our lives.  The point of God’s greatness is that He is to worshiped, loved and feared not questioned.  Too often our knowledge of God fills us with pride instead of awe.  Whatever we think we know about God, we must always remember, is very limited and skewed by our own sinfulness.  Our knowledge of God must cause us to fall before Him in worship.


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