Job 28:1-28

Wisdom is the greatest commodity on the face of the earth.  It is more valuable than any of the natural resources that this planet can produce.  However, like most things of value, it is very difficult to find or obtain.  The only true source of wisdom is God.  All wisdom originates with Him.  Unfortunately, most men do not consider wisdom to be their priority.  They value riches as being more precious than wisdom and will go to extreme measures in order to be able to find riches.  Job had great riches but lost them all.  However, wisdom is not something that can be robbed.  Job’s greatest desire in the face of this torment is to gain an understanding about what is going on.  Job’s desire is for wisdom.

WISDOM IS HIGH IN VALUE: There are many precious things on this earth that attract the attention and affections of men.  Gold, silver and precious stones are objects of great value that motivate men to make great sacrifice in order to be able to obtain.  Men move from one side of the world to another, live in isolation, face great dangers and are willing to suffer in the heat or the cold in order to find them.  Job declares that wisdom is far more valuable than any of these things.  Unfortunately, men put far less effort into finding wisdom than they do into finding wealth.  Men want wealth because they believe it will bring them comfort, power, security and happiness.  Most men who obtain wealth would testify that it did not bring them very much of any of these things.  However, by far and away the majority of people who long for wealth never obtain it but still go through all the suffering related with finding it.

WISDOM IS HIDDEN FROM MAN: Wisdom, like all valuable things is hidden.  It is not common and just lying in the streets for everyone to find.  Just like it takes effort to obtain wealth it takes a great deal of purposeful effort to find wisdom.  We must not be fooled into believing that we are just naturally wise or that we will simply become wise with the passing of time.  The grave is a place that seems to bring wisdom, which implies that wisdom is really only truly experienced in eternity.  If we truly want to be wise, we cannot be lazy nor should we be distracted from that pursuit by wealth.  We must need it, desire it and be willing to make great sacrifice in order to obtain it.

WISDOM IS HEAVENLY IN ORIGIN: The only true source of wisdom is God.  He is all wise and nothing is hidden from Him.  He is the creator and sustainer of all so He is the One who has understanding of all things.  The only way that we can truly obtain wisdom is from God.  Job declares that the source of wisdom is through the fear of God and turning from evil.  If we want to be wise we must learn to fear the Lord, worship Him and seek to avoid all forms of evil in our lives.  This wisdom from God should be our greatest priority and the pursuit of our lives. 


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