Ecclesiastes 12:1-14

Conclusions are always significant because they tend to sum up the predominant lessons that should be taken away from a particular book or message.  This concluding chapter of Ecclesiastes embodies that tendency to perfection.  This is a call to follow and obey the Lord with the short life that we have because God will use this life to determine many things about our eternal life which is to follow.  Those who wait to the end of their lives in order to prepare for eternity will find that they are too late and will find themselves filled with regret.  Solomon wants to help his readers to avoid that calamity.

BE FAITHFUL TO GOD BECAUSE LIFE IS FLEETING: Do not wait until you are old to start living in light of eternity.  Remembering the Lord while we are still young is an important part of being prepared for our eternal homes.  Many times young people believe themselves to be immortal and think that they will be able to go on living forever or that they will have time to set things right with God in their advanced years.  This is foolish thinking.  God wants our faithfulness in the vigor of our youth because our time on earth is so short anyway.  The bodies in which we now live will soon begin to fall apart and we will find ourselves in the grave far sooner than expected.  Once that happens there is no way to go back and do things over again no matter how badly we may want to.  The key is to start young and stay faithful all through the fleeting life that we have graciously been granted by God.

BE FEARFUL OF GOD BECAUSE HE IS JUDGING: God has been very careful to reveal to men His will concerning what He wants us to do.  Solomon recorded the wise Proverbs about how God would like for us to live our lives well.  There is no shortage of information as to what God desires of our lives.  Solomon concludes his writings with this grand conclusion that the entire duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments.  God wants us to love Him and be obedient to Him; to worship Him and submit our wills to His.  We must always remember that God is watching over every aspect of our actions, attitudes and the motives of our hearts.  He will call us into account and there will be eternal consequence for how well we fear and obey Him.  Keeping this in mind is vital to being prepared for eternity.


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