Song of Solomon 5:1-16

Hesitation is always a very dangerous thing in every aspect of life, but especially in our relationships.  Hesitation leads to lost opportunity which leads to regret.  Lovers should strive to be spontaneous in their relationship with one another and their responses to one another.  Too often, marriages are marked by indecision, uncertainty, timidity and half-heartedness.  This type of interaction prevents true intimacy and stems from selfishness.  Married lovers should spontaneously seek and respond to one another with openness and confidence of being immediately accepted and embraced.  Rejection or even hesitation should have no place in our marriages whether it is in serving one another in the kitchen or savoring one another in the bedroom.

THE BRIDE REJECTS HER HUSBAND THROUGH HESITATION: It is hard to know exactly what is going on here, quit possibly, in the culture of that day husbands and wives did not sleep in the same room.  It seems that the husband comes to her room because he desires to enjoy her company and delight in their physical relationship.  When she hears him knocking, her heart jumps for joy; which indicates that there has been no brokenness in the relationship before this.  However, instead of jumping out of bed, throwing open the door and delighting in his embrace; she hesitates.  She allow her mind to be filled with doubts about the time of day, the fact that she has already bathed and been tucked in for the night.  Her mind is full of details that have nothing to do with her lover that are rooted in self-centeredness.  Spouses must learn to respond to one another when sought independently of the circumstances so that they can build trust and intimacy in the relationship.

THE BRIDE REGRETS HER HESITATION AND SEEKS HER HUSBAND: By the time she shakes off her doubts and decides that her husband’s love is far more important than the cleanliness of her feet; it is too late.  She runs to the door only to find that he has already gone and has gone out to walk outside to clear his thoughts and like work off his great disappointment.  Her heart immediately breaks and is filled with regret.  Now, instead of just walking and opening her door to him she too leaves the house in search of him and suffers all kinds of dangers and indignities along the way as she searches for her lover in desperation and desire to be reconciled to him.  The watchmen make fun of her and even beat her.  She is out on the street late at night where she should never be.  The price we pay for hesitation is great regret and can be even greater danger.

THE BRIDE REMEMBERS HER HUSBAND WITH ADMIRATION: When she is asked by the daughters of Jerusalem, why she is so crazy about her husband that she would take to the streets after him; she has an immediate response where she describes his features and his character in gracious and generous terms.  She has great affection and admiration for her husband which is vital to the health of every relationship.  We saw his admiration of her and now we see her admiration of him.  It is no wonder that their hearts where so stirred by one another.  We have no doubt that this momentary separation will be restored because this couple has worked hard to build admiration in their lives for each other.  Genuine admiration should do away with any hesitation in our relationships with one another. 


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