Ecclesiastes 9:1-18

Surrender is a condition in which we realize that we are unable to stand against someone or something that is obviously stronger than we are.  Most people have a certain amount of pride that keeps them from admitting the need for surrender so they continue to grind away until they can stand it no longer.  Unfortunately, we often surrender to temptation and fail to surrender to the Lord.  Solomon lived a life of frivolity and an endless search for pleasure he   came to the end of his life recognizing that this was futility and finally surrendered to the recognition that he was not in control of his life.

DEATH IS UNAVOIDABLE: No matter who we are, what we do and how hard we try all of us are headed towards an appointment with death.  This is the reality of the curse that sin has brought upon the earth.  The wicked and righteous die, the rich and poor die, we weak and strong die.  There is no way for us to avoid our date with death.  As long as we live, there is hope so life truly is a gift with which we should strive to prepare for eternity.  The way to be the best prepared for this unavoidable death is by enjoying our life.  This does not mean that we should live the frivolous life of passing pleasures with which Solomon experimented but that we should love our wife, be faithful in our work, be thankful for our food and simply live a life of rejoicing.  Life is a gift from God and we would do well to enjoy that gift to the utmost.

LIFE IS UNPREDICTABLE: There is a way that we think that life should go.  We think that the righteous should prosper and the wicked should suffer.  We expect that kings should act with nobility and that the simple should be very basic in their approach to life.  When the powerful go to war against the frail we think that the powerful will be victorious.  These things do no always happen.  Life can be very unpredictable.  The strongest warriors can be surprised by a trap that brings them to their knees.  The health conscience man can be stricken by cancer.  Many times the “underdog” is victorious and the dominant is dominated.  Many times the wise and unassuming person will overcome the brash and powerful.  Wisdom and humility do not make a big splash and will not attract the attention of the mass media or anyone for that matter.  However, it is far better to prevail in anonymity the to fail with celebrity.    


  1. Gary, I also have a blog. I'm not nearly as faithful as you are in adding to it, but I will not have my "quiet time" with a view of "what can I share with others." So I will go into my previous journals to share. My time with the Lord is to learn what He has for me to apply in my life today. Mine is

  2. (The seventh Seal takes place in Heaven.)


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