Proverbs 31:1-31

We conclude our study in Proverbs with an oracle taught to King Lemuel by his mother.  This final chapter has been studied by women and men alike in the hopes being or finding an excellent wife.  As we read this description we feel like it is a description of Wonder Woman and I suspect that this Proverbs 31 woman has been the source of quite a bit of resentment on the part of women who feel that they do not measure up in some way.  I believe that we can rest assured that this oracle was truly a description of the desirable qualities an excellent wife should strive to attain but not the description of an actual woman.  However, I believe the true intention of the oracle was to help men identify the important qualities in women instead of being attuned only to the external beauty of women.  However there are two parts to this oracle, both of which should be followed closely by men.

BE CAREFUL WITH WINE: The use of strong drink is not directly forbidden in Scripture, but it is definitely discouraged.  Leumel’s mother lets him know that, as a king, it is not fitting for him to drink wine and other strong drink.  Kings and leaders must make many decisions and they do not always know when those decisions need to be made.  The use of alcoholic beverages makes a man forgetful and could lead him to a point of perverting justice.  These drinks are for those who are condemned to death or in the depths of despair.  Leaders must stand always at the ready, waiting to defend the weak and pass judgment that is righteous.  Those who have dedicated their lives to serving others (that is what leadership is) would be wise to refrain from the use and certainly the abuse of alcoholic beverages.

BE CHOOSY WITH WOMEN: One of the most important decisions that any person makes is whom to marry.  Every man and especially leaders must recognize how vital this decision making process is.  Men can be blinded by the beauty of women to the point that they do not take into consideration the character that they may or may not possess.  A woman of great character will be a great blessing to a man as long as they live.  This description is poetic in its structure with the first and last descriptions matching, the second and the second to the last matching and so forth.  We will not repeat them twice in our description.  The following qualities describe the character of an excellent wife:  She is industrious.  An industrious woman is happy to work hard and uses her time productively.  Her skill and productivity are accompanied by a glad heart.  She is perceptive.  A perceptive woman knows the value of things and what those things can produce.  Because she works hard she knows how valuable her produce is and is able to make a profit because she is able to perceive the true value of the things around her.  This keeps her from spending money frivolously and discarding her possessions imprudently.  She is generous.  Generosity demonstrates her recognition of and compassion for those who are less fortunate.  She produces enough extra that she can meet the needs of the poor without neglecting the needs of her family.  She is disciplined.  Discipline allows her to make preparations for winter while it is still warm and assure that abundant provisions have been made.  She is a blessing to all in her family.  She is communicative.  Communication is vital for the passing on of wisdom.  Words can be a blessing or a curse but the excellent wife will use her words to build others up and therefore all who are blessed by her life will use their words to bless her as well.


  1. I believe this chapter describes the woman who is virtuous throughout her life; she is not doing all these things at the same time, but through different periods of her life, spanning decades.


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