Isaiah 21:1-17
Nations rise and fall according to the sovereign plan of God. Isaiah has been given the revelation of God’s will and intent for the nations that surround Israel. These nations have been a source of fear, judgment and temptation for Israel. God has used them to call Israel back to Himself or to discipline them for their disobedience. They were victorious for a time because God was using them to accomplish His will. However, instead of humbly recognizing the power of God at work in their midst and living in fear of Him, they became proud and even more sinful in their attitudes and actions. God is now getting ready to call them to judgment. THE JUDGMENT OF BABYLON: Babylon and her leaders were used to take Judah into captivity. We know that Daniel was taken captive and ended up serving in the highest offices of this kingdom and those that were to come. However even before they had destroyed Jerusalem and taken the captives into exile, Go...