Isaiah 14:1-32

The children of Israel have been oppressed from generation to generation.  This oppression came upon them because of their disobedience and lack of repentance.  God used the surrounding nations to judge Israel and exact this oppression on the nation of Israel.  The reason God allowed these nations to overthrow Israel and take them captive was not because they were so much godlier than Israel.  In fact, just the opposite was true.  Conquering Israel was not a blessing from God; rather, it was a judgment from God.  When Israel would repent in her captivity, God would extend mercy to her and then that conquering nation would itself be conquered.  Israel holds a special place in the heart of God so He judges her in order to bring her back into fellowship with Him and to judge the nations that oppressed her.

THE JUDGMENT OF BABYLON: Babylon was a proud and arrogant nation that made great boasts about its own greatness.  The king had absolute power and could do anything that he pleased.  He was not bound by laws and acted as a pure dictator over its peoples.  When God brings Babylon to her knees in judgment all of creation would celebrate and rejoice at her judgment.  Israel would sing a song of deliverance that would belittle the nation and especially its rulers.  The king of Babylon is paralleled to Lucifer that beautiful and most powerful of all angels rebelled against God and sought to rise above God.  Satan was cast down out of heaven and the king of Babylon would be cast out of authority and be scorned by all the nations.  The pit of hell awaits the arrival of Satan and the ground awaits the body of Babylon’s king.  That body will be left to rot and become food for wild animals.  Pride is a very dangerous thing and will be severely judged by God.

THE JUDGMENT OF ASSYRIA: Assyria had been a long time oppressor and captor of the nation of Israel.  She was especially cruel in her treatment of captors and prisoners of war.  God has purposed to destroy this nation and there is nothing that can be done to turn away God’s furry.  She will be broken under the judgment of God and the yoke of bondage that had been on Israel will fall away so that the people of Israel can be free.  God had determined that these things will happen and there will be no escape.  He is the righteous Judge of all the earth and nothing can stand in His way.  What God determines will always come to pass.  The power and arrogance of man will always fall before the hand of almighty God.

THE JUDGMENT OF PHILISTIA: The Philistines we a constant nemesis to the nation of Israel.  She was always at war and sought to pollute, discourage and destroy the people of God.  The king of Israel, Ahaz, might have died; but the true King of Israel has always been alive and well.  Philistia will have no reason to rejoice in the fact that her enemies king is dead because in his place will come a more powerful foe.  Israel is not to be permanently defeated.  She will rise up out of the ashes and be restored to her land so that she can provide a refuge for other oppressed nations.  While Philistia lies in ruins and has been annihilated; Israel will be blessed of God and use her to be a blessing to other people.  God always blesses us so that we might become a blessing to others.


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