Isaiah 1:1-31

Sin is a terrible thing.  It has caused so much pain and suffering on all of humanity.  God has placed Himself directly in opposition to sin and has been working throughout history to abolish the effects of sin.  Part of His plan for redeeming mankind from the fall and sin was the nation of Israel.  Perhaps it is for that very reason that Satan has tried throughout history to destroy and deceive Israel in an attempt to keep man chained to sin.  Isaiah writes to the nation of Israel about a vision that he has received from God for the purpose of calling the nation to recognize their sinful state, repent and then be restored to a right relationship with God.

THE CONDEMNATION OF SIN: Israel was chosen by God to be a special nation unto Him.   They are His children and the object of His special revelation.  Despite this special blessed relationship that they had with God, they have rebelled against God and refused to submit to Him.  They have turned their backs on the Lord who called them.  From the tip of their toes to the top of their heads they are corrupt.  Of course the same could be said of us.  Sin always leaves scars on the people and their land.  There are only a few of the nation that has been spared the devastation but they stand alone in a desolate place.  They are compared to Sodom and Gomorrah who were condemned because of their sinfulness.  Israel continued to perform their religious rituals of sacrifices and special feasts but they only serve to sicken the Lord.  God does not want religiosity; he wants a relationship of submission, obedience and holiness.  We dare not relate with God through rituals but pursue a walk with our God.

THE CONFRONTATION OF SIN: Fortunately, sin has a solution in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.  God has given us hope for forgiveness and cleansing.  Isaiah calls his people to reason and the recognition that their sin stained hearts can be cleansed and made as white as snow.  The depth of sin in the heart of man is only exceeded by the grace of God and His desire to purify His children from their sin.  We can find forgiveness with God if we will only repent and turn from our sin to trust the blood of Christ to cleanse our hearts from the sin that enslaves us.  God calls us to submit to Him, leave our rebellion behind so that we can escape the wrath to come.

THE CONSEQUENCES OF SIN: Sin always leads to the consequence of death and destruction.  The nation of Israel had played the harlot, turned from justice and become corrupt with sin.  Her leaders abandoned justice and became hungry for power and money.  Instead of serving the people they were oppressing the people as the godless nations had done before them.  God will not stand idly by watching His people fall into deeper and deeper corruption.  He takes His place in history and avenges His name amongst the people.  He brings judgment to the people in order to convince them to turn from their sin and return to the Lord.  God gives hope of sending prophets and teachers to point them in the right direction, but warns them that those who refuse to repent and forsake the Lord will be consumed by the flame of God’s justice.  They will see their gardens scorched in the fires of His wrath.  The strongest most powerful man on earth will crumble under the wrath of God.  Sin always has far greater consequences than the pleasures that it offers. 


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