Isaiah 10:1-34

Children think that they can hide because they put their hands over their eyes.  They somehow think that because they can’t see us, we can’t see them.  Many people think the same thing about God.  Grown men and women all over the world live under the delusional belief that because they cannot see God; God cannot see them.  They are wrong.  God does see everything and He will judge everything.  He might not do it right away and He might not do it in the way that we He expect Him to but He does see all and in His perfect time will call all men into judgment.

GOD JUDGES THE UNJUST: God tells us that basic to living in obedience to Him is to care for widows and orphans.  These are the most helpless people of our society so we are all called upon to give them special care and attention.  Unfortunately there are many wicked and godless men in the world who make it their goal to oppress the widows and orphans and to exploit them for their own gain.  These cowardly people prey on the defenseless to promote their own agendas and seem to be thriving, but their day of judgment is approaching.  God will call them to account and they will be punished according to God’s judgment.  

GOD HUMBLES THE PROUD: The Lord used the Assyrian nation to judge the nation of Israel.  They were and instrument of judgment in the hands of God but they began to be arrogant in their thinking and believed that they had the power in and of themselves to conquer nations.  They were an evil nation and their pride condemned them to an even more severe judgment.  God does not share His glory with men and will bring the proud down and teach them humility.  We must always be careful to see how we respond to success or apparent blessings in our lives.  If we allow them to fill us with pride we will inevitably be brought down.  Any success we may have comes from God’s gracious hand so we would do well to respond with humility.

GOD DELIVERS THE CAPTIVES: When we belong to the Lord there is always hope.  The nation of Israel was to be taken away in captivity because of their incessant idolatry.  Though they would suffer greatly and the majority of the people would be killed or taken into captivity; God has promised to preserve a remnant through which He plans to fulfill all of His promises.  Eventually Israel’s captors the Assyrians would come out to march against the nations of the world only to be overthrown by the Lord.  God knows how to deliver His children and though He may permit times of testing and captivity; He always knows how to deliver His own.  We can rest assured that the Lord is on our side if we are in Christ and He is able to deliver us according to His will which is always for His glory and our eternal good.


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