Isaiah 13:1-22
Sovereignty is a concept that can make us uneasy and is
often difficult for us to understand. We
all like to think that we are the authors of our own destiny and that we are in
control of our lives. The will of God
and the will of man will always seem mutually exclusive in our minds. I do not pretend to be able to reconcile
these two concepts other than to say that it is clear that we are responsible
for the choices we make in life and that God is in complete control of all that
happens in the universe. God’s control
is clearly on display in the next several chapters as Isaiah will be
prophesying concerning the nations surrounding Israel. It is clear that God is rising one nation up
and tearing another nation down according to his sovereign will. Today’s chapter is a prophesy concerning the
destruction of Babylon.
writing, Babylon had not yet conquered Judah.
However, even before they ascended to domination God is already
revealing their destruction. When a
nation exalts itself above God and demonstrates no fear or recognition of God;
we can rest assured that God is moving in the nations to bring about the
judgment of that nation. God calls to
rally the armies of one nation to execute His judgment on another nation. That does not necessarily mean that God is in
approval of the conquering nation. It
simply means that God is using them to accomplish His will. They are instruments in His sovereign hands
to accomplish His sovereign will. When
God empowers one nation over another nation there is no question as to what the
outcome will be. Isaiah speaks in very
certain terms of the anguish and destruction that will come. We can rest in this assurance that God is in
control of the nations of the world and He is working to accomplish His will in
the history of the nations. We may not
understand His workings but we can certainly be assured that He is working and
that it will result in God’s ultimate glory.
out to do a job; He does it completely.
Babylon was a powerful kingdom with impressive infrastructure along with
ornate palaces. The splendor of Babylon
was a spectacle that impressed men and inspired the creators of this grandeur
to arrogance. God does not take well to
arrogance so He determined to humiliate and annihilate this gaudy kingdom. Isaiah speaks of this destruction in graphic
and even disturbing language. Not only
the warriors of Babylon will be destroyed, but the women and small children
will also be wiped from the face of the earth.
The Medes and the Persians will lay this nation to waste and the capitol
city will become the homes of wild animals and beasts. The lavish homes will be inhabited by wild
dogs, goats and ostriches. God’s judgment
is always very complete. God’s wrath
against sinful men has been repeatedly displayed throughout the history of
mankind. We know that God judges and how
He judges. This knowledge ought to
inspire us to live in submission to Him.
The immorality and godlessness of this generation is clearly a real
cause for concern. God will judge this
world too and His judgment will be complete.
We must to all we can to prepare for that tragic yet glorious day.
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