Isaiah 15:1-9

God’s judgment of sin on the nations is necessary because of God’s holiness and man’s sinfulness.  However, we must never forget that God does not want to judge any of the people in any of the nations.  His desire is for the people to repent and for the nations to be reconciled to Him.  The suffering of nations is not God’s desire and it breaks His heart when He must judge them.  God does not want to judge, but He most certainly will as His holiness demands.  It is not pleasant for Him and it will not be pleasant for those being judged.

THE PEOPLE WILL CRY IN MOAB: God’s judgment on Moab will bring the nation to its knees, its buildings to the ground and its people to tears.  There will be weeping and wailing in all the nation from both young and old.  From the cities to the country side, from the mountains to the streets men will cry out in tears for the judgment that has fallen upon them.  These tears will come from the physical pain of defeat, from the emotional trauma brought on by the death of loved ones and from the deep regret of not having recognized God’s authority and submitted to it.  All of mankind is headed towards a very similar judgment where men will either rejoice in their forgiveness through Christ or they will cry out in pain and shame over their eternal judgment.

THE LORD WILL CRY FOR MOAB: Even the Lord will cry over the judgment that will take place in Moab.  God loves all peoples and He longs for them to be reconciled to Him.  His greatest desire is to forgive them, enjoy fellowship with them and receive worship from them.  Unfortunately, many nations refuse to submit to the Lord and become objects of His wrath.  The nation of Moab will fall and it will fall completely.  Those who escape the initial devastation of the war will roam aimlessly in the desert until they are succumb to the elements or are ravaged by wild animals.  This brings pain to the lives of men and tears to the eyes of God.  We must do all we can to call men to repentance from sin and faith in Christ so that they can avoid this terrible judgment to come.


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