Isaiah 62:1-12

A new day is coming for the nation of Israel.  God has determined that He will bring a season of refreshment to the nation from both a physical and a spiritual standpoint.  He will bring a new perspective to the nation that will impact their relationship with God as well as their relationship with the nations that surround them.  Israel would be changed from a scorched blight to a shining light for the glory of God.

GOD’S PROMISE OF SALVATION: God has determined to save people from their sins.  This is His story of redemption though out all of history.  He has determined to use the nation of Israel as the descendants of Abraham as a means to that end.  This was accomplished through the incarnation of Jesus from the nation of Israel but there is yet a greater fulfillment coming.  The fact that Israel rejected the Messiah when He came into the world has opened a great working of God to bring men from all nations to repentance and faith in Christ.  Israel has suffered greatly due to their idolatrous and immoral ways.  Nations have persecuted and tried to exterminate them from the face of the earth.  One day all of that will change and God will rest His favor upon the nation and bring them to Himself as a groom does to his bride.  He will look with favor upon her, purify her and save her from sin.  In so doing, God will also draw kings and nations to Himself through the salvation of Israel.

GOD’S PROMISE OF SECURITY: The walls of the city have been destroyed and the people are at risk due to the lack of security around Jerusalem.  The people have been taken captive; they have not been able to plan their fields with the confidence that they will be able to harvest a crop.  Even when they harvest a crop, they are not assured that they will be able to eat what was harvested.  All of these things will be changed one day when the Lord calls this nation back to Himself.  They will experience complete and total security.  When the nations come to Israel they will come with gifts and offering instead of to pillage and plunder.  God is coming and He has great rewards for His children.  All who are torn down and weary because of sin can find their rest in Him.  God has promised eternal security from sin for all who trust in the Lord Jesus.  He is our hope and salvation and is always faithful. 


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