Jeremiah 10:1-25

When we were children, we would argue with one another about whose father was the greatest or most important.  We would say things like “my daddy is the boss of your daddy.”  Jeremiah is making a very compelling argument in this chapter as to why God is greater than the gods of the nations.  He gives very distinct reasons that make it seem very foolish for man to worship any other besides the Lord.  Idolatry is such a common practice in the hearts of men but just because it is common does not mean it makes a lot of sense.  Jeremiah argues with the people about why God is the greatest.

GOD IS ALL WISE: The idols of men are cut from a tree and carved with the hands of men.  They are then decorated to make them look something like powerful man.  Once all this carving, cutting and decorating takes place the idol is immobile, mute and ignorant.  God on the other hand is the source of all wisdom and knowledge.  He was never made and has no need of man to move Him from one place to another.  The idol is stupid while God knows all things.

GOD CREATED ALL: The idols of men are crafted from silver and gold brought in to be melted, molded and pounded into the shape of something to worship.  They are the product of skilled craftsmen who are paid to create the conglomerates of metal.  God is the creator of all things.  He made the gold and the silver, gave life to the craftsman and created all men who are to worship Him.  It is foolish to worship that which must be created as opposed to worshiping He who created all things.

GOD WILL JUDGE ALL: The idols of men stand powerless amongst men and have no ability to approve or disapprove of the actions of the men who bow down at their feet.  Man can live before and idol and be completely uncensored because the idol does not see, hear or talk.  God stands over this world and will call every man woman and child into judgment.  He will approve or disapprove of our attitudes and actions because He knows every thought and everything we do.  One day everyone will stand before Him and be judged accordingly. 


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