Jeremiah 3:1-25

Idolatry is spiritual adultery.  God has a very strong message for the nation of Judah.  She has been like an adulterous wife therefore God is about to send her away as if in a divorce.  Too often, people think of God as only gracious and merciful and fail to consider His holiness, justice and jealousy.  When men refuse to worship God and turn to the worship of idols they can expect to experience the wrath of God.  However, God does love mankind and has made a means through which even the idolatrous man can be fully reconciled to Him.  That way is through repentance of sin and faith in the Lord Jesus.

THE PRACTICE OF IDOLATRY BRINGS REJECTION: God’s condemnation of both Israel and Judah is scathing because of their constant and unrepentant idolatry.  He compares them to a prostitute who has committed whoredom over and over again.  This unbridled idolatry has brought the land into ruin and taken the people into slavery but most importantly has caused God to turn His back on them.  Israel was the first to take the path so God sent them into captivity but Judah did not learn from the mistakes of Israel and just continued to follow the same path of idolatry.  God says this was more treacherous than Israel and so He has an even more severe judgment in store for them.  God will not tolerate the idolatry of His people.  He is a jealous God when it comes to our worship.  God’s heart breaks when we do not worship Him as He commands.  He expects faithfulness from us because He has always been faithful to us.

THE PROMISE OF REPENTANCE IS RECONCILIATION: In the midst of this condemnation God demonstrates His tender heart and longing to be reconciled to men who have turned from Him.  That reconciliation is dependent upon repentance.  He calls for the nation to look upon their sin and all the pain their idolatry has caused and then repent and come back to the Lord.  God promises to forgive them, be reconciled with them and then provide them with a glorious future in His very presence.  He will give them security in their cities, shepherds who will lead them in the way of truth and sweet fellowship in His very presence.  The Ark of the Covenant will no longer be missed because the Lord Jesus will be with them.  God pleads with the nation to repent quickly so He can bless them in this way.  God please with all of us to turn from our sin and worthless idols and embrace the cross of Christ so we can be reconciled to Him and enjoy the glory of His presence for all of eternity.


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