Isaiah 63:1-19
Our knowledge of the future should always have a direct
impact on the present. When we look at
the revelation of God’s plans for this world it should make a very distinct
difference in the way we live our lives today.
Holiness, peace and hope should be the constant companions of those who
look to the future with the knowledge of and in submission to God’s Word. However, for those who refuse to follow God’s
Word there will be a very different result.
Fear and anxiety will accompany the lives of those who rebel against the
Lord. The future He has promised to
those who reject Him is not bright at all.
A PROMISE OF RETRIBUTION: The vision is of Jesus returning
to the earth with His robes splattered in blood. When He came the first time, He was covered
in His own blood which He shed for the sins of men. When He comes again, He will be covered in
the blood of those who rejected His sacrifice on their behalf and remained rebellious
to the will of God. As He judges nation
after nation there will be great sorrow, bloodshed and death. Jesus came to give us life through His death but
the consequences of rejecting Him is death.
This is the future God has planned for all who do not place their faith
in the work of Jesus on the cross. They
may seem to thrive in their sin without consequence today; but there will be
dire and eternal consequences in the future.
A PROVISION OF REDEMPTION: Jesus made provision for the
redemption of man by paying for our sin on the cross. This gift was born out of compassion and
mercy. He was afflicted on our behalf
and in our place. This redemptive nature
was first demonstrated when He set the nation of Israel free from slavery in
Egypt. The experienced His salvation
from slavery but they still rebelled against Him and grieved the Spirit of
God. This brought about judgment but the
judgment was followed by forgiveness and mercy.
God has promised to redeem the nation once again, place His Spirit upon
them and make His name glorious within the nation once again. This is a promise that provides hope for all
who believe.
A PRAYER FOR RESTORATION: Our knowledge of the character and
promises of God should inspire us to trust Him, love Him and call out to Him in
prayer. Nobody deserves the grace or
mercy of God but He grants it because of His glorious greatness. We call upon the Lord to look down upon us
from His exalted throne. We call on Him
to free us from the ways of our own rebelliousness and restore us to the joy of
salvation in Him. When we see the plight
of our own sin out response must be to call out to the Lord in humble and desperate
prayer. He longs to restore His children
to Himself and be reconciled to a right relationship once again. This is His purpose and promise and should be
our prayer.
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