Ezekiel 10:1-25

Ezekiel continues his vision of the city of Jerusalem and the glory of God as He judges the city.  The vision from chapter one of God’s glory and the angels surrounding His throne is repeated.  The image is of the presence of a holy God in the midst of an unholy people.  The result of this is predictable and God judges the people for their sin.  One day all of man-kind will find themselves in the presence of a holy God and they will suffer a similar experience only magnified in proportion.  As we look at God’s judgment of Israel we must remind ourselves that this is only a small sampling of God’s future and complete judgment of the world.

JUDAH’S REJECTION OF GOD: Judah has turned their backs on God and lived in rebellion against Him.  Their idolatry and immorality have become a stench in the nostrils of God.  In Ezekiel’s vision the man dressed in linen from the previous chapter is called to come forward and take some embers off of the altar before the Lord and spread them on the city.  This is the consequence of sin and the rejection of God.  The city and the majority of the people were destroyed and became little more than ash and soot.  Fire destroys but it also purifies and the Lord is out to destroy the city and call the people’s attention to their sin so they will return to Him.  God still uses suffering in our lives today as a means of bringing us back to Himself.

GOD’S REMOVAL FROM THE TEMPLE: Perhaps the greatest consequence of the sin of Israel was the removal of the glory of God from the temple.  Ezekiel sees the vision of God’s glory lifting up from the presence of the temple and leaving them without His protection.  This is a very dangerous consequence that sin brings into the lives of all who have turned from God.  God’s presence in our lives is a glorious blessing that should be considered our greatest treasure.  The greatest reality that we will experience for all of eternity will be having the glory of God dwell among us in the New Earth that God is preparing for those who believe.  We must to all we can today to practice the presence of God by living in holiness  and godliness.


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