Ezekiel 1:1-28

Ezekiel is a prophet and priest of God living in Babylon as one of the captives who was taken away from Jerusalem.  This was a time of judgment and chastisement for the nation of Israel and yet God has a message for the nation in this time of captivity.  God reveals His glory to Ezekiel and the message of this book is clearly inspired by God through His servant Ezekiel.  As the opening scene of this book unfolds we get a small glimpse of the glory of God or at least the glory the surrounds God.  This vision put Ezekiel on his face in worship before the Lord.  Any time we are given a glimpse into the glory of God it should fill our hearts with awe, our mouths with adoration and our lives with worship.

GOD’S CHERUBIM: Ezekiel has a glorious vision in which he describes very unique angelic beings called Cherubim.  These angels appear in the Psalms as well as in Revelation and are always associated with the presence of God, the arrival of God, the holiness of God and the glory of God.  God lives in the presence of these exalted angels but they should not be the objects of our worship.  They simply capture our attention and point us to the glory of God who is the only Person we should ever worship.  The Cherubim have wings, hands, stand erect, and have four faces.  One face is that of a man, perhaps symbolizing intelligence.  Another face is like a lion, perhaps a demonstration of authority.  Another face is an ox, perhaps a symbol of strength.  The last face is that of an eagle, perhaps a sign of speed and agility.  The Cherubim work in complete unity with one another.  The power and presence of God is on display to Ezekiel so it is clear the message he is about to receive is coming to him from God and is of great significance.   

GOD’S CHARIOT: Beside each of the four Cherubim there is a wheel within a wheel that seems to function somewhat like a gyroscope.  The wheels are not attached to the Cherubim but function in conjunction with them and in response to them.  They can move side to side, backwards and forwards as well as up and down and always do so with precise unity and in harmony with the Cherubim.  This is like no mode of transportation we have ever seen.  God’s chariot is impressive to say the least.  The wheels are covered with eyes that enable them to see all that is around them, any dangers in the path and then they can respond by moving in any direction swiftly and simultaneously.  This gives a whole new perspective of “smart car.”  The Cherubim and the wheels work in perfect harmony with one another in order to follow the directions of the Lord who is driving this most impressive vehicle merely by His thoughts.  We too should respond to God’s directions with such speed and submission.

GOD’S CHAIR: Above the wheels and above the Cherubim is a space and then there is the throne of God.  The Cherubim and wheels exist to serve Him and they respond to all of His desires.  There is no arguing, questioning or doubt as to who is in charge.  They exist to serve the Lord and delight in submission to Him.  The throne on which God sits has the appearance of glowing fire and His glory shines like the sun.  He is surrounded by an arch like a rainbow.  These are symbols of God’s glory as well as His grace.  As God approaches Ezekiel, it is a clear demonstration that God has not abandoned His people while they are in exile.  He is still revealing Himself to them through His prophet.  He is the omnipotent God of the universe and He cares about us.  Our only response to the glory of God is to do as Ezekiel did: fall on our faces and worship in His presence.


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