Ezekiel 2:1-10
God calls Ezekiel to be a prophet to the nation of
Israel. He has had a vision of who God
is and now He is instructed as to what God wants Him to do. Ezekiel is in the proper position when he is
called; on his face in worship. God’s
Spirit enters him and stands him on his feet so he can go and do what God wants
Him to do. Too often we try to do God’s
work in our own strength without worship and without the Spirit. On the other hand, we have a tendency to get
comfortable in our places of worship and do not obey the Spirits call to go and
preach the Word. Both extremes are
wrong. True worship will result in
obedience to the Spirits call to go and do the work of the ministry. There are two qualities that are vital to the
work of the ministry and God lets Ezekiel know from the beginning what is
expected of Him.
COMMUNICATION: The function of a prophet is simply to
communicate the Word of God to people.
God let Ezekiel know that the people to whom he was being sent were a rebellious
and stubborn people. Generation after
generation of Israel has refused to hear and obey the Word of God. God warns Ezekiel that this generation will
be much the same. Nevertheless, Ezekiel
is called to accurately communicate to the people exactly what the Lord has
said. It is not our job to make the
people obey God’s Word, only God’s Spirit can bring about that transformation
in the hearts of men. Our job is to go
to men and clearly proclaim the Word of God whether they what to hear it or
COURAGE: The reality is that most of the people to whom we
speak God’s Word do not want to hear it.
God warns Ezekiel that his words will be met with harsh looks, threats
and great discomfort from persecution.
God’s Word to Ezekiel is the same as it has always been to all of His
servants: “fear not.” Too often those
who are called to preach the Word of God fail to do so because of the fear of
men. Everyone likes to be liked. We are very much aware of the fact that the
Gospel is an offensive message because it calls people to turn from the sin
which they love and warns them of the judgment of God which they hate. The natural response of sinful men to the
Word of God is denial and to attack the messenger. God warns Ezekiel to be courageous and speak
the Word of God no matter what the consequences may be. We cannot control the responses of men to our
message but we can control our fears and chose to obey God even in the midst of
great oppostition.
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