Ezekiel 16:1-63
History is an important discipline for every person to study
so they do not end up repeating the errors of the past. Ezekiel gives an overview of Israel’s history
from God’s perspective as well as a look to the future that God has planned for
this nation. God is gracious and patient
but He is also jealous and just. God’s
graciousness must never be taken for granted and we must never presume that His
mercy outweighs His holiness. God’s love
and grace should encourage us to love and obey Him instead of making us feel confident
in our sinful state. As we look at the
history of Israel it is vital that we examine our own lives to see how we have
responded to God’s mercy.
GOD’S PAST PROVISION: Ezekiel pictures Israel as a lost and
rejected child who was born to pagan parents.
She is pictured as a baby that was not washed, swaddled or even have its
umbilical cord cut. As she grew up she is
pictured as a young woman who had no clothes and was naked and exposed. This is likely a reference to the nation as
it was born and being formed in Egypt where they served as slaves. God looked down on this abandoned child with
love. He washed the nation, clothed the
nation, made a covenant with the nation, gave great riches to the nation, gave
them an abundant inheritance and made the nation great and powerful as His very
own bride. God’s love was lavish and
generous. He spared no expense and gave
great honor. This not only describes God’s
provision for Israel but it also is a perfect picture of God’s unconditional
and unmerited love for every person He saves from sin. We were all in a desperate state without hope
but God sent His very own Son to die in our place and free us from the shame of
our sin and lavish us with eternal life.
ISRAEL’S CONSTANT PROSTITUTION: Despite God’s generous and abundant
provision, Israel had fallen into the habit of constant prostitution. She took all of God’s gifts and made them
into objects of idolatry. The gold and
silver we fashioned into idols. The food
and clothing was offered to other gods.
God’s love and affection was not returned and Israel played the part of
a whoring wife who gave her body to be possessed by another man. Israel became worse than a prostitute in her
idolatry. A prostitute is paid by the
man with who she has relations; Israel paid those with who she cheated on
God. The nation of Israel looked on
Sodom as the ultimate example of sinfulness and God’s judgment. Israel loathed the mixed nation of Samaria
but Ezekiel assures Israel that she is far worse than either of these her “sister”
nations. Israel’s unfaithfulness to God
and lack of gratitude for God’s provision is astounding. However, we must be careful not to judge too
quickly because these same tendencies are in every single one of our hearts and
we too will often worship at the altar of our own pleasure before we bow before
the Lord as we should. We for whom
Christ shed His own blood will worship the idols of our own heart instead of
the Lamb who was slain in our place.
GOD’S PRESENT PUNISHMENT: Ezekiel now turns His attention to
the punishment of God for this terrible unfaithfulness. Because Israel had committed adultery with
the gods of Egypt and Assyria as well as all the other nations that surrounded
them, God was now going to use all of these partners of unfaithfulness as a
means of punishment before the Lord. God
will not simply stand by and watch His beloved continue in unfaithfulness
without consequence. He judges her
severely and calls her to account because of His great love and His
holiness. The nation of Israel in
Ezekiel’s day was experiencing this period of judgment. Their beautiful and powerful cities were toppled
and burned. Her men, women and children
were slaughtered in the streets, overcome by famine and disease and carried
away in slavery to all the nations with whom she had followed in idolatry. God’s
hatred of sin is intense and we must never be deceived into thinking that we
can just continue to live a sinful life without consequence. God disciplines His children and He will
judge all of mankind. We must recognize
this reality and live in the fear of the Lord for that is truly the beginning of
all wisdom and will lead us into holiness and true worship.
ISRAEL’S FUTURE PARDON: As amazing as it may seem, even
after all of the unfaithfulness of Israel and all of the surrounding nations,
God still gives them hope of restoration through repentance and faith in
Him. God promises that he will bring the
nation full circle, forgive their sin and restore them to a place of honor in
His relationship. God does not break or
forget His covenants, nor does He ignore His own holiness. He judges sin harshly so that we will turn
from our sin, trust Christ and experience forgiveness that leads to perfect
restoration with God and eternal life.
This is the promise of the Gospel that was bought with the blood of Christ
and is made available to Israel and all of the nations through God’s mercy,
grace and love. God gives His people
true hope through the promise of His Word.
Salvation is from Him and will give us great reward and eternal life
that is far beyond our merit and greater than all our sin.
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