Acts 11:1-30
This chapter gives us the history of some very significant event and developments in the life of the church. In this chapter we see believers referred to as Christians for the first time and we see Gentile believers beginning to take a prominent role the the life and leadership on the church. Here is the progression of events. PETER DEFENDS HIS PREACHING TO GENTILES: As expected Peter was "called on the carpet" for his relationship with Cornelius and company. Peter recounts not only his vision but what he saw the Holy Spirit do in these Gentile believers. The evidence is undeniable so they confer with one another and rejoice at their conclusion that God had granted repentance to Gentiles as well. This is a significant conclusion that officially paved the way for the church to become what it is today. BELIEVERS DISPERSE FROM PERSECUTION IN JERUSALEM: Once again, God uses persecution to speed the spread of the Gospel through the lives of His children....