
Showing posts from July, 2011

Ephesians 3:1-21

We have many reasons to worship God.  It is what we were created to do, but we often become so distracted by the activities of each day that we tend to become self absorbed and neglect to make God the focus of our lives and the object of our worship.  There is nothing like the Gospel to call us back from the tedium of our lives on earth to the glory of our eternal God.  In this passage Paul is bowing his knees in an act of worship before God as he reflects on the glory of the Gospel. PAUL WORSHIPS FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF MAKING THE GOSPEL KNOWN: Paul never seems to quite grasp how God could possibly use him to proclaim the Gospel to the Gentile nations.  He urges his readers to reflect on the great gift that God has given us to be able to be members of body of Christ.  This was a great mystery to those who were Gentiles in the time of the Old Testament.  This is exciting news!  God's plan of redemption is an amazing gift and it is such an honor to be ab...

Ephesians 2:1-22

Progress is hard for us to notice in both our physical as well as our spiritual growth.  I don't remember growing, but I was born at 10 pounds and now I am, well lets just say quite a bit more than that.  I have about tripled in height but cannot honestly remember growing even a fraction of an inch.  Spiritual grown is also difficult to perceive but for believers it is definitely taking place.  Perhaps the best way to notice growth is to look back to many years ago.  Paul takes us back on a journey through time in this chapter as he reminds us of who and what we were before Christ and then compares it to who we have become in Christ.  The change is astounding. WE ARE RAISED FROM SPIRITUAL DEATH BY GRACE: Prior to Christ we were dead in our sins.  We where not sick, but death, completely separated from God and enslaved to the sin that tormented our souls.  This was a hopeless state and made us the enemies of God.  But Christ changed all of t...

Ephesians 1:1-23

Paul begins this wonderful book with what I think must be one of the longest sentences in all of literature.  Basically, verses 3-12 are all one sentence and in some versions it goes all the way to verse 14.  It just seems like Paul was so thrilled with the theological truth that was "pent up" inside of him that he just had to get it out.  Paul starts the chapter with a beautiful description of our salvation and he concludes it with a profound pray that believes will be able to comprehend and live in light of so great a salvation that comes from our Lord. PRESENTS FROM GOD: Paul explains to us how each member of the trinity is involved in the glorious salvation that He has given us.  God the Father has blessed us, chosen us and predestined us.  His blessings are not simply temporal or earthly blessings, they are blessing in heavenly places that will endure for all of eternity.  He chose us, not based on our works, because He chose us before the found...

Galatians 6:1-18

Paul has written this urgent letter with his own hand.  I think this was rare because of Paul's eye problems so his handwriting was large, but this message was so urgent that Paul could not wait for a scribe that would allow him to dictate this message.  As Paul brings this letter to a close he wants to remind them of some basic principles that will  allow them to stand firm and correct the pitfalls into which this church had fallen. CORRECT ONE ANOTHER IN THE LORD: If the false doctrines of legalism as well as the sinful behavior of the flesh was going to be squelched, mature believes must step forward and get involved into one another lives.  Correcting false doctrine and sinful actions is an important responsibility that every believer has to his brothers and sister in Christ.  The goal of all correction is restoration and Paul teaches us some vital principles for how this is to be done.  We must be humble and gentle whenever we seek to correct one of ...

Galatians 5:1-26

There are many dangers involved with living our lives according to our flesh.  The flesh is dangerous in all of its aspects whether it is the fleshly desire to earns one's own salvation or the fleshly desire to practice sin.  The truth is that the flesh is very appealing to us and we must be very careful not to give in to its lusts and desires. THE CONDEMNATION OF CIRCUMCISION: Actually circumcision in and of itself has no bearing whatsoever on one's standing before God or his relationship to Him.  However, when circumcision is practiced as a means of meriting favor with God or in an attempt to appease Him in some way, it has just the opposite effect.  Circumcision then becomes an act that produces the wrath of God because it is the same as rejecting the sufficiency of the sacrifice of Christ.  Any attempt to add to the work of Christ through either human effort or religious rituals brings about the condemnation of God.  We must never fall into that pitfa...

Galatains 4:1-31

Christ has done amazing things for us who were once lost in sin and without hope in this world.  In light of that fact it is astounding that anyone would turn from the grace of Christ in order to strive in vain, through human effort, to attain what Christ alone can offer.  This chapter is so full of rich theological truth I have a hard time knowing where to start and where to stop.  I urge you to read this chapter if you have not already because I will not be able to scratch the surface of the truth contained in this text.  That being said, lets look at it from the perspective of what Christ has done for us. CHRIST HAS ADOPTED US AS SONS: None of us were born into the family of God.  However, due to the grace God and the sacrifice of Christ we can enjoy the privilege and honor of sonship.  The phrase "Abba Father" is best translated as "daddy."  Every time I read this truth I am amazed that I get to call the creator and sustainer of the universe...

Galatians 3:1-29

We can often become distracted from that which is best by that which is good.  The believers in Galatia were giving priority to the Law over faith.  The Law is not an evil thing, however it was never intended to replace faith.  As long as the Law is used for its intended purpose, it is a great blessing from God.  However, when the Law is used as a substitute for faith it becomes perverted and results in a curse instead of a blessing. THE SUPERIORITY OF FAITH: Paul demonstrates the faith is superior to works, nationality, and the Law.  Justification never came about as a result of man's works.  Faith in the work of Christ on the Cross is the only divine requirement for salvation.  We must never be deluded into thinking that the doctrines of human effort can be added to the doctrine of faith.  We also cannot think that faith can be inherited because we were born into a certain family or are descendants of a certain nationality.  We often iden...

Galatians 2:1-21

The tendency of today's relativistic society is to see people being blown about by the various winds of doctrine that blow over the church.  Apparently things were not much different in Paul's day, the Galatian believers were quick to follow the false teaching that had been propagated in their midst.  Paul lets us know a few things about he doctrinal stand that should help all of us to be firm in the face of false teachings that might blow our way. IT IS IMPORTANT TO STUDY SCRIPTURE BY OURSELVES: Paul made it clear that he was a student of God's Word and that the majority of his learning had taken place while he was alone with the Scriptures and the Spirit.  This discipline of digging into the Word of God without depending on the teachings or the writings of others is essential to being able to stand strong when false doctrine starts to spread.  If all of our learning has been dependant upon the teachings of others, we will easily be deceived when others begin to t...

Galatians 1:1-24

The Gospel has constantly come under attack throughout the history of the Church.  Some of these attacks seek to add to the Gospel while others seeks to take from the Gospel.  Paul stands up to this trend and gives a brilliant defense of the message of Christ. THE GOSPEL RESCUES FROM SIN AND MUST NOT BE CHANGED: Paul had preached to the church in Galatia the pure Gospel of Christ that rescues men from their sin.  Faith in the death and resurrection of Christ is the only means by which man can be rescued from the penalty, power and, eventually, the very presence of sin.  Man apart from Christ is lost and dead in his sin.  He is desperately in need of rescue.  The Gospel is what he needs.  Paul had preached this message while he was with them and he continued to preach it wherever he went.  The problem was that there were false teachers who would follow Paul and attempt to add on to the message that Paul had preached and were teaching that in orde...

2 Corinthians 13-1-14

As Paul brings to a close this his second letter to the Corinthians, he sums up what he really desires to see happen in their lives.  I believe that this is what God wants to see happen in all of our lives as we walk with Him in this world.  May God give us the grace to follow these principles. GOD WANTS US TO EXHORT ONE ANOTHER: Paul has been doing this with the Corinthian believers for the last two books, and he promises to continue to do it as long as he is alive.  Exhortation is a ministry of the body of Christ that, unfortunately, is seldom exercised.  Many times we become so self-centered and self-absorbed that we don't even notice others in the body of Christ.  We are called to correct our brothers when we see that they are being disobedient, encourage them when we see that they are discouraged and spur them on to greater effectiveness in their walk with the Lord and their service to Him.  Christ has strengthened and equipped us through the Holy Sp...

2 Corinthians 12:1-21

I think it must have been very difficult for Paul to find himself in a place where he had to present his qualifications for ministry to the Corinthians once again.  He had already given them so much and taught them so much, it seems very strange to me and I am sure it seemed strange to him to have to prove that he was worth of their attention and respect.  No matter how long we serve or how much experience we have, it is vital that we maintain a vigilant eye on our own reputations.  We never know when we will be examined and called into question. PAUL DESCRIBES HIS VISION: God gave Paul a glimpse into heaven.  We don't really know when this happened, but it did happen.  It could have been when he was stoned and left for dead that he had this experience or it could have been at any other time in his life since conversion.  When it happened is not important, but the fact that it did happen reveals that God had chosen Paul as a very special person in Hi...

2 Corinthians 11:1-33

Paul is an example of what being in the ministry should be all about.  In this context he is defending himself before a body that had seen him minister but since had been poisoned in their thinking about him by false ministers with ulterior motives.  It seems the only way that they could get their foothold in the door was to be critical Paul's ministry.  Paul reminds them and teaches us what a minister of Jesus Christ should look like. PAUL WAS STRIVING TO STRENGTHEN: The reality is that it would have been much easier for Paul to just wash his hands of this group and say that he had done his best and let them go in the direction they were wanting to go.  Paul was not about taking the easy road; he was about taking the right road.  He wanted to strengthen his children in the faith from the attacks of false doctrines and false teachers.  He urged them to stand up for the truth and to stand firm against the attacks of these selfish and sinful leaders pretend...

2 Corinthians 10:1-18

Sometimes we suffer from an identity crisis.  Usually what happens is people respond to us in a way that is unexpected or not to our liking and we begin to question what it is that we are supposed to do and even who we are in the program of God.  Paul does not seem to be affected by this condition.  He is well aware of who he is in Christ and knows exactly what God has called him to do.  He knows that he has limitations but does not use these limitations as an excuse for doing that which God had called him to do.  May we be given the grace to follow in his footsteps. PAUL WAS EMPOWERED BY GOD TO CORRECT THE DISOBEDIENCE OF SAINTS: God had given Paul the privilege of starting many churches and he had a special relationship with the believers who met in these places.  However, he recognized that God wanted him to do more than simply start the church and leave it to grow or flounder on its own.  Paul knew that he had a responsibility to continue to foll...

2 Corinthians 9:1-15

Paul continues to talk to the Corinthian church about giving.  It seems to me that today there are two extremes to which we often go on this issue, either we ignore giving all together, or we talk about giving all the time.  Paul certainly makes it clear that giving is a subject that we must approach, but, like everything, this must be kept in balance. GOD WANTS US TO HAVE PREPARATION FOR GIVING: Paul knew that it was in the heart of the church members to give as they had been used of God to encourage others to give.  However, Paul also knew of the potential for distraction that there was in this church.  This is a common problem that most of us face.  We have the best of intentions, but we become distracted from that which is permanent by that which is pressing but passing.  Paul wanted to make sure that they were prepared to giving according to the motives of their hearts.  He prepared them so that they would experience a greater joy in their walk ...

2 Corinthians 8:1-24

One of the great privileges of the Christian walk is to be able to contribute to the needs of others.  Like most of our privileges it is also a responsibility.  Our attitudes when we contribute will make a big difference in how we go about this part of our walk with Christ. THE EXAMPLE OF GENEROSITY: The Macedonian Church was a great example of the giving spirit that God desires to see in all of us.  Even though they had very little and were suffering under great persecution, they were thrilled to be able to participate in this ministry of giving.  They wanted a part of the eternal fruit that Paul was producing as well as to help with those who were in need back in Jerusalem.  The point is that they had a focus outside of themselves, they were willing to sacrifice of themselves in order to serve their brothers, and they did it with glad and grateful hearts.  This is an example worthy of imitation, not only because they gave but because they gave with joy ...

2 Corinthians 7:1-16

It is a blessing to know that God is aware of our needs and that He provides for us in accordance with those needs.  There are times when we need to be cheered up and He gives us joy.  There are times when we need to be corrected and He brings discipline.  We can rest assured that God knows what we need and when we need it far more accurately than we are aware of our own needs.  In light of this truth, God calls us to trust and praise Him no matter what our circumstances might be. GOD GIVES COMFORT IN TIMES OF DEPRESSION: It may come as a surprise to us when we read that Paul admits that he and his ministry team were depressed.  They had sacrificed and suffered greatly to advance the cause of Christ but they were not seeing fruit for their labor.  Instead, they were being falsely accused and threatened.  The external conflicts and the internal fears were taking their toll on the ministry team.  In the midst of this turmoil, God sends them comfor...

2 Corinthians 6:1-18

As believers we live in the world and are called by God to have an impact of the world without becoming discouraged by their reactions or destroying our testimony.  Sometimes we have the tendency to remain so isolated from the world that we have no impact upon it.  However, we also run the risk of interacting with the world so closely that we end up being influenced by it.  There is a careful balance that must be found in this relationship. WE EXPERIENCE DIFFERENT REACTIONS IN THE WORLD: As we strive to shine the light of Christ in a dark world, we must realize that we will be met with very diverse reactions.  Some people will hear the Gospel, repent from sin and love us for sharing Christ with them.  Others will turn from the truth and will hate us for confronting them with it.  The truth is that the second reaction is far more likely to occur.  Paul experienced this reality over and over again.  He was mistreated, misunderstood and suffered gr...

2 Corinthians 5:1-21

We are all impacted by our pasts in our present circumstance.  We can look back and see how life's experiences have shaped the way we think and act.  However, we rarely consider the fact that our future should impact the way we live in the present.  Paul touches on this subject in today's chapter. WE LIVE IN TEMPORARY TENTS: One of Satan's most common tactics is to make us hyper-valuate our lives on this earth.  We often smile at children when they think that life has come to an "end" because of a relatively small problem like a broken toy or hurt feelings.  However, I think that when we get to heaven we will look back on how "important" we thought life on earth was and we will sheepishly laugh at our immaturity.  Paul lived his life on earth to the greatest possible benefit for the kingdom, yet he kept in clear perspective the fact that life on earth was temporary.  He saw that his body on earth was only ...

2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Every now and then in life, we face trials in our efforts to accomplish something, but when we come out on the other end victorious, we say, "It was worth it all."  Of course there are other moments in life where victory is hard to find in the midst of the trials as we find ourselves questioning whether or not and of it is worth while.  Today's passage reminds us that the Gospel truly is "worth it all." THE GOSPEL IS HIDDEN FROM SOME IN THE WORLD: There are many who are blinded to the glorious Gospel.  They are so enamored with the things of this world that the Gospel has lost it's luster.  Unfortunately there are even those who claim to believe the Gospel and even preach the Gospel that end up trying to add to the message in order to make it more attractive.  The problem is that any additions that are made to the Gospel end up hiding it from view.  If we will faithfully proclaim the truth of the Gospel of Christ we are offering the only true hope that th...

2 Corinthians 3:1-18

The purpose and passion of Paul’s life was to proclaim the Gospel.   He made great sacrifice from the time He was saved until the Lord took him to heaven in order that the Gospel might move forward.   Paul had been changed by the Gospel and he felt compelled to spread the message of Christ to all with whom he came in contact. THE GOSPEL IS PROCLAIMED IN DEPENDANCE ON GOD: Paul realized that he was nothing more than a sinner saved by the grace of God.   He knew that he had not sufficiency in and of himself to make the message of Christ heard and understood.   As talented and committed as Paul was, he still depended on the Spirit of God to equip him for the work of the ministry.   That is why there is not room for pride in the work of the Lord.   If the ministry depended on our strength or ability there would be room and reason for boasting in our accomplishments.   However, since the ministry is accomplished only in dependence on God, all of the glory a...

2 Corinthians 2:1-17

Unfortunately, sin is a reality with which believers must regularly deal.   Not only do we need to strive to keep our own sin in check, but we are called to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ by helping them in their battle with sin.   The Corinthian church was no stranger to sin.   In the first Epistle Paul wrote to this Church Paul had to admonish them because they were not taking sin seriously.   The admonition must have worked based on Paul’s comments in this chapter. WE ARE TO CONFONT SIN IN SORROW: Sin in our own lives, the life of another believer, or in the life of the church must be confronted.   This is not usually an easy thing to do but it is a necessary part of our walk with God on this earth.   Sin should always bring about sorrow.   When we sin or observe others sinning, our immediate response should be sorrow.   Too often, it seems that the sorrow people experience is not sorrow over sin, but sorrow over having been caught. ...

2 Corinthians 1:1-24

As we walk with the Lord there are circumstances that we are called to face that may not be of our choosing.   However, God uses event these difficulties in our lives to accomplish His will in our lives and to further His work in the world. GOD GIVES COMFORT IN SUFFERING: Suffering is a part of living in a sin-cursed world.   It is a common experience in all of our lives.   However, God is faithful to provide comfort during these times of distress and trial.   He then uses our experiences with His comfort so that we can provide comfort to others.   Our experiences are never wasted.   It is great to know that there is a purpose behind what God allows to come into our lives.   God intends to use our trials as a means of helping our brothers and sisters in their walk with Him.   We are never alone in our times of trials.   God is with us and in the person of His Spirit He gives comfort and assurance.   Few people have ever experienced the l...

1 Corinthians 16:1-24

Final instructions are usually both important and significant.   Paul closes this difficult book with some very practical and important admonitions that all of us would do well to follow. GOD WANTS US TO BE GENEROUS WITH HIS MONEY: God has entrusted us with resources that he expects us to invest in the lives of others and the advancement of the Gospel.   There are many people who have great needs that we, as believers, are called upon to meet as the Lord enables.   This giving is not to be done out of a sense of compulsion or obligation but with joy and a sense of privilege at being able to participate in the work of God.   Satan tricks us into believing that we can only be happy if we accumulate more and more things for ourselves.   The truth is that we will experience true and abiding joy only as we help others and invest in that which is eternal.   Selfishness is always a source of great unhappiness.   Generosity is a constant source of fulfillment ...