
Showing posts from November, 2011

Revelation 12:1-17

Throughout the history of creation God has been unfolding the plan of redemption in the history of the world.   This involves all of the hosts of heaven and every person on the face of the earth.   Many in the world are completely unaware of this plan and see no need for redemption but that makes no difference.   The truth is always truth whether anyone know it or believes it or not.   This chapter gives us an insight into this plan and the steps that it has taken in the past and will take in the future. AN EPIC BATTLE: When Satan rebelled against God he was thrown out of heaven and took one third of the angles down with him.   This began what has become the battle of the ages.   Satan is determined to overthrow God and try to assume the position of the deity of the earth.   God, on the other hand, is determined to redeem men from sin and release them from the power of Satan.   God has allowed Satan to have limited freedom in this age, but He has ...

Revelation 11:1-19

The tribulation period continues on the earth, but it is important for us to remember that it is not merely a time of judgment, but it is also a time in which God reveals His will to men through his witnesses.   We have already seen the 144,000 testimonies and now there are the two incredibly powerful witnesses who warn all of man of the judgment of God.   This is a demonstration of God’s grace as well as proof of the depravity of man.   We can see God at work in the lives of men even on the darkest of days. THE MINISTRY OF GOD’S MESSENGERS: There has been much speculation about who these two witnesses might be.   Since the passage does not tell us who they are, I think that it is rather pointless to try to guess who they might be.   What is important is what they do.   They are witnesses of the living God and are prophesying at to what God is doing and will do.   They are messengers of God’s grace to those who believe, but they are messengers of God’s...

Revelation 10:1-11

John’s vision continues as he observes and tries to describe the activities of angels.   I think that it is interesting that the lightning had a message that John started to write down yet he was prohibited from doing so.   John is describing these events to the best of his ability, yet it is very clear that there is much more going on than what John is able to see, understand or describe.   I also find it interesting that John interacts with the angel as he is instructed to do.   The purpose of this particular vision remains a mystery to me but it certainly is inspiring to consider the glory of God as revealed in this revelation. AN AWESOME ANGEL: The description of this angel is amazing a it comes forth and stands with a foot on the sea and another on the land.   The angel’s head is encompassed by a cloud and a rainbow, its voice is like a lion and thunder and lightning flare all around it.   John is prohibited from writing the message of the lightning, b...

Revelation 9:1-21

The trumpet judgments continue to come down upon the earth.   They continue to inflict pain and death all around the world.   What is most significant about these happenings is that despite what must have been unbearable pain coupled with a massive body count of dead people, those on the earth did not repent.   They continued to worship their false idols and continued to act in their sinful manners.   They have been confronted with their sin, they have seen that sin brings great pain and hardship, and they have seen that God is able and willing to punish sin; yet they still love their sin and refuse to turn from it. SWARMS OF STINGING SCORPIONS: These very strange creatures com out of the bottomless pit and their numbers are so great that they cause the sun to darken.   They are actually called locusts, but they are different from any creature we know today.   They can fly, they travel in swarms, yet they look like small horses with the hair of a woman, tee...

Revelation 8:1-13

The seventh seal of the book is opened and from that seal comes seven trumpets.   This is the second series of judgments during the tribulation period.   It is very hard to know the timing of judgments, but due to the nature of these judgments, I have to believe that they occur during the second half of the seven year tribulation and possible close to the end.   This chapter describes the scene in heaven as well as the results on earth. PRAYERS IN HEAVEN: The angel who comes forth to introduce the seven trumpets comes to the altar where the prayers of the saints are gathered and he places incense on the altar of prayer and then fills a cup with fire from this altar and throws it down on earth where thunder, lightning and an earthquake provide the backdrop for the trumpet judgments.   The prayers of God’s people stand out in heaven as a means of worship before God.   These prayers also seem to contribute to the judgment process on the earth.   It seems that ...

Revelation 7:1-17

The tribulation will not only be a time of great suffering, it will also be a time of great salvation.   Persecution is typically used of God to bring many people to Himself and this time of tribulation on the earth will be no exception.   This provides us with a perfect picture of God’s wrath on sin and God’s grace for sinners all at work at the same time.   This chapter seems to describe the activity of God’s saving grace during the entire tribulation and not just an event between the sixth and seventh seal. GOD SEALS HIS SERVANTS: There are 144,000 servants of God that are sealed by God as His servants to carry the message of Christ to the nations of the world.   These are all Jewish missionaries who will truly recognize that Jesus was Messiah as a result of the New Testament prophecies being fulfilled.   The rapture of the church along with the beginning events of the tribulation will start a spiritual revival in the nation of Israel the likes of which has n...

Revelation 6:1-17

Christ takes the book that only He can open and as He breaks each seal on the book, a series of plagues breaks out upon the earth.   This is the beginning of the tribulation period on the earth.   The wrath of God is being poured out upon the inhabitants of the earth.   I think that it is significant that John and the twenty-four elders are in heaven observing that which is taking place on the earth.   I believe that the church will be raptured off of the earth prior to this tribulation period.   As bad as these first judgments are, they are only be beginning of what will be wave after wave of the wrath of God.   This first series of judgments contains seven seals, six of which are described here. HORRIBLE HORSES: The first four seal judgments are represented by four different colored horses.   The first one is white and represents the rise of Anti-Christ.   We don’t know who this man may be, but his coming has been foretold since the days of Dani...

Revelation 5:1-14

John Continues to describe the scene around the throne room of heaven.   In this chapter Christ, the slain Lamb, becomes the focus of attention.   It is important to note that there is not any conflict of interest between the Father and the Son.   One does not become jealous of the other nor does one detract from the other.   They are distinct from one another while at the same time united perfectly to one another.   We also see the Spirit described in this passage as a distinct yet united member of the Trinity.   I do not pretend to be able to fully grasp all of the implications of a Triune God eternally existent as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but this passage clearly demonstrates this reality. CHRIST IS WORTHY TO ACCOMPLISH GOD’S WORK: John sees that the Father has a book with seven seals on it in His hand with and angel crying out in order to discover someone who is worthy to open this great and terrible book.   An initial search by John demonstrat...

Revelation 4:1-11

Two of the greatest questions that we as believers have are: what is heaven like? And what will we do in heaven?   John was given a glimpse of heaven’s glory as well as the activity in heaven.   What stands out in this brief description of heaven is the glory of God.   He is obviously the central figure of heaven. THE WONDER OF HEAVEN: Heaven is all about God and His glory.   John describes and awesome scene with a huge throne surrounded by men and angles.   The scene was spectacular with the throne of God being central and all that was around the throne was focused on the Father.   There is a sea that looks like glass before the throne, thunder and lightning coming out of the throne, four angels behind the throne and twenty four elders surrounding the throne.   The picture John paints with his words is awesome and rather frightening. THE WORSHIP OF HEAVEN: It is very clear that the activity of heaven is the worship of God.   The angles are worshi...

Revelation 3:1-22

In each of these last three churches Christ makes the statement that He know their deeds.   It is vital for us to realize that we never act in secret and that we can never hide an action, attitude, or thought from God.   He knows us inside and out.   The reality is that our deeds reveal the truth about our hearts as well as how God will respond to us.   God loves to reward His children; however, He is not at all hesitant to discipline the disobedient according to their deeds. SARDIS: DEAD DEEDS: Christ seems to have almost exclusively condemnation of this church because He calls their deeds dead.   They may have many deeds that men might applaud, but God sees their hearts and knows that these deeds are only done in the flesh and for the flesh.   God is never pleased by the rituals of men or the keeping of regulations made by men.   This church seems to be prosperous financially but polluted spiritually.   They trust in their wealth as a sign of Go...

Revelation 2:1-29

John begins writing to the seven churches represented in his vision of Christ.   Each church has its unique strengths and weaknesses.   Many have tried to interpret these churches as being representative of the church in various stages of history.   While certainly many of these correlations can be made, it seems more likely to me that John was writing about literal churches that had these specific problems.   I believe that the reality is that these same strengths and weaknesses have always existed in the church at every point in history including today.   With that in mind, we will all do well to make sure that we are following the strengths represented here and avoiding the weaknesses. EPHESUS: TRUTH WITHOUT LOVE: Christ commends the church in Ephesus because they have stood strong in the faith and defense of the truth.   False doctrines have always been propagated in and around the church and far too often the false teaching end up infecting the life an...

Revelation 1:1-20

We have come to the final book in the New Testament.   My hope as we started this year was to record gleanings from the entire New Testament and it looks like we should be able to make it.   I hope that you have enjoyed the readings half as much as I have enjoyed the writing.   John introduces himself in this book as an elderly man who has witnessed the establishment of the church along with the subsequent death of all of his fellow apostles who had suffered greatly for the cause of Christ.   John has now been banned to an island where he is held prisoner as a punishment for his efforts to advance the cause of Christ.   He writes to the seven churches in Asia about that which Christ revels to him in a dream.   The entire book is filled with very figurative language and symbolism as we might expect from a dream.   Perhaps for that reason there have been so many diverse interpretations of this book.   I believe that the key to understanding this boo...

Jude 1:1-25

Satan wants nothing more than to falsify and destroy the work of God in the lives of men.   The transformation of the souls of men through the Gospel of Christ is something that Satan would like to be able to thwart at all costs.   These last several books have been dedicated to the preservation of the truth by preparing believers to deal decisively with false prophets and false teachings.   Jude continues this vital theme with clear instructions as to how we can be victorious over these attacks on the Gospel. WE MUST DEFEND THE FAITH: Jude gives us a clear battle cry for us to stand up in defense of the faith.   We cannot be passive with false doctrines.   The world that is lost in sin and lives in total rejection of God is not nearly as dangerous to us as those who claim to come in the same of Christ, but they twist the truth and deny the doctrines of Scripture.   They look like believers and their speech is eloquent.   They tend to be very intellige...

3 John 1:1-15

The advance of the Gospel requires cooperation from the entire body of Christ.   There are many different functions, all of which are important.   Unfortunately, believers often have a tendency to become competitive with one another instead of unite for the cause of Christ.   John provides us with a shining example of cooperation that we would do well to follow as well as an awful example of competition that we must be careful to avoid. THE IMPORTANCE OF HOSPITALITY: Gaius was a close friend of John’s and he had been very faithful to walk in the truth.   This was a great source of joy to John as it is wonderful to see our spiritual children walking according to the truth of God’s Word.   In particular, Gaius was faithful to cooperate with the advance of the Gospel by providing hospitality for ministers of the Gospel who were traveling through his area.   This is a vital ministry and one that is a great encouragement to those who travel as missionaries from ...

2 John 1:1-17

We really do not know what kind of relationship John had with the woman to whom this letter was addressed.   We know that she was a believer with whom John had worked, for whom he had a sisterly love and about whom he was clearly concerned.   He has much to say to her but chooses to simply remind her and warn her of some very important truths. WALK LIKE BELIVERS: John has repeated this message all through his Gospel as well as his Epistle.   He simply reminds us to walk in love and obedience.   These are the true signs of a believer and must be the characteristics that mark our lives.   The Lord has changed our lives so that we can love and obey.   We are to pass this message on to all those to whom we minister that they too might be able to walk in the truth. WATCH FOR DECIEVERS: Unfortunately there are many who claim to be believers that do not follow the truth and in fact reject the message of Christ.   They have ulterior motives that may not be rea...