Introduction to Esther
Chess is a very interesting game. When I play against my computer I always win on the easy setting. I usually win on the medium setting. I almost never win on the hard setting and I have never won on the expert setting. Chess requires planning multiple moves in advance as well as anticipating the opponent’s moves. There are times when I feel like I am doing well one the expert level and then all of the sudden I find myself in check mate and am left scratching my head to try to figure out what went wrong. The book of Esther looks like the unfolding of a chess match using real people. Neither God nor Stan is mentioned in the book but they are clearly the “players” moving the “pieces” on the stage of life. The events narrated in this story most likely occur after Ezra’s group of exiles return to Jerusalem and before Nehemiah sets off on his mission to build the wall. Perhaps the promotion of Mordecai that we find in this narrative help...