1 Timothy 1:1-20

What a blessing it would be if every young minister could have an apostle Paul to be a mentor and motivator.  But, I guess, in many ways we do, because Paul’s most important instructions to Timothy have been recorded for us in the next two books.  These letters promise to provide divine direction for all who desire to serve God and others in a way that pleases Christ and promotes the growth of the kingdom of God.
REPROVE FALSE TEACHINGS: Unfortunately the reality of false doctrine has always been a part of the history of the church and apparently it will continue to be as such until the return of Christ.  It is the job of every true believer and especially the job of every minister to stand firm against these teachers, rebuke them and refute their heresies.  Our goal should be to promote genuine love, clear consciences and a sincere faith through our teachings.  Many people have ignored these standards and strayed into strange and futile teachings.  They may be motivated by a desire to gather great followings but they are confused, dangerous, represent a grave danger to the church and they must be confronted and corrected.
REJECT LAWLESS LIVING: The purpose of the law was to convince men of their sin and condemn the lawless way in which men live.  Those who murder, steal, are immoral and lie will be convinced of their desperate need of salvation through the instruction of the law.  The law has no ability to save them; it was not intended for this purpose.  Rather, the law reveals their sinfulness and ought to point them in the direction of repentance and salvation through faith in Christ.  The law must never be taught as a means of salvation but as a means through which man comes to knowledge of his sin.  We are often motivated by our pride to think that we can earn our salvation through works of the law.  This only leads to condemnation and not conversion.
REMEMBER CHRIST’S GRACE: One of the reasons that Paul was so passionate and productive in his ministry was that he never forgot the reality of God’s grace in his own life.  Paul saw himself as the chief of sinners because he had blasphemed the name of Christ and persecuted the followers of Christ.  Despite Paul’s great sin, God’s grace was greater and Paul was transformed into a messenger of the Gospel of Christ.  God is in the business of transforming lives.  However, we have a tendency to forget His powerful and gracious work in us with the passing of time.  We must never allow this to happen.  We must constantly remind ourselves of the Gospel and its impact on our hearts and lives.  This will motivate us in service and set our hearts ablaze for the glory of God.
REMMAIN FAITHFUL IN SERVICE: No matter how difficult it may become or how numerous the false teachers of the world might be, it is our job to be faithful and stand firm.  We must trust the Lord and follow the teachings of His Word.  Many ministers have not been able to do that and they find that their faith has crashed on the rocks of unbelief, doubt and disobedience.  We must hold strong to the teachings of Scripture, walk closely with God and never waver from the glorious grace of the Gospel of Christ.


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