1 Timothy 4:1-16

Leaders must not only be qualified, but they also have a very clear job description.  Paul tells Timothy just what is expected of him as a minister and, I believe, what we should make sure is true in all of our lives as well.  There are definite dangers that we must face and Paul gives us clear instructions on how we can face those dangers in a way that will allow us and those to whom we minister to stay strong.
BE CAREFUL WITH FALSE TEACHERS: The reality of the ministry is that there will be those who teach that which is not biblical or true.  It was the reality of Paul’s day, it was the reality in Timothy’s day and it continues to be the reality in our day.  We must learn to be very careful in dealing with these false teachers so that we do not be influenced or allow others to be influenced by their teachings.  False teachings usually come in the form of human traditions that are maintained on an equal level as Scripture.  These traditions usually have to do with some sort of human effort or human sacrifice that is, in some way, suppose to gain favor with God.  These are noting but lies that only serve to lead many away from the truth of the Gospel of Christ.  There is no way that we can be made acceptable to the Lord through our efforts.  Christ has done all that needs to be done.  We must simply trust Him and be careful not to think that we can add anything to what He has done on our behalf.
BE HOPEFUL OF HEAVEN: In light of false teachings that come and go like the wind, we are to stand firm in our hopes for the future.  We are to set our minds on the eternity that Christ has promised to us.  If we begin to interpret life from the temporal vantage point of the world, we will, inevitably, start to consider the merits of human effort.  Man centered religions only make sense or have any attraction when they are considered in light of that which is temporary.  If we will faithfully set our affections and focus our attention on the eternal, we will be able to resist the attractions of the false teachings of this world.  We have a true and awesome hope that is centered on the person of God.  As long as we keep His glory in the proper perspective and priority, we will not stumble into the man made traps of humanistic thinking.
BE FAITHFUL TO THE WORD: The Bible is the key revelation that we have in order that we might be able to distinguish and depart from that which is false.  We are called to study God’s Word completely, read it publically and tech it constantly.  Our age does not matter.  What does matter is that we know and love the Word of God and that we are willing to stand up and teach it to other people.  Too often we stand around criticizing this group or that group and we debate over small details.  All of this is merely a distraction from what the Lord would really have us do.  God wants us to dig deep into His Word, teach our children the truth and then publically proclaim the message of Christ so that others can be transformed by the preaching of God’s Word.  The Word of God will protect us and our hearers from the attacks of false teaching.   


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